Possible Side Effects Of CBD Oil

Possible Side Effects Of CBD Oil


CBD is known to be quite popular nowadays, especially since word has come out that it serves effective health benefits. Along with that are several questions going around, one of which is CBD's side effects. Knowing these products come from plant species where the marijuana came from it's normal to question its existence. For example, how do we know it's safe to use? Furthermore, to better understand its origin, uses, dosages, and of course, side effects, let's dig deep into this topic.

What Is CBD?

Some of us are aware that plants such as marijuana contain certain compounds called cannabinoids.CBD or cannabidiol is a cannabinoid found in the Cannabis Sativa species. Moreover, it's non-psychoactive, which means it doesn't cause a high. In addition, it also provides health benefits that most users find very helpful in their everyday lives. However, there are other cannabinoids as well such as THC or tetrahydrocannabinol.

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What Is THC?

Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive cannabinoid that is responsible for causing a high to marijuana users. Furthermore, the Cannabis Sativa plant species do contain both CBD and THC cannabinoids, however, marijuana is said to be rich in tetrahydrocannabinol. While another plant called hemp contains the most cannabidiol but lesser THC check out of this link https://www.healthline.com/health/cbd-vs-thc. Of course, there are two types of people, the ones who use cannabis for THC, and the ones who use it for CBD. Those cannabidiol users are using it for the benefits, which means higher concentrations of CBD from hemp are beneficial and safer. However, tetrahydrocannabinol is also safe to ingest as long as the amount isn't past 0.3%. In fact, there are three types of cannabidiol products, one of which contains THC.

However, tetrahydrocannabinol is also safe to ingest as long as the amount isn't past 0.3%. Pixabay

● Full-Spectrum
Best described as the type that contains at least 0.3% of THC and all of the existing cannabinoids. Moreover, it also has the so-called "entourage effect" which means that the cannabidiol is working together with other cannabinoids to give the best results.

● Broad-Spectrum
Although this type is much like a full spectrum, it also contains all the existing cannabinoids but except for THC. Some believe that it's a good option if you want assurance that there is no trace of tetrahydrocannabinol.

● CBD Isolate
As the name states, this one is slightly different from the others. This type of product is mainly a concentration of CBD. To put it simply, cannabidiol is intentionally isolated from other cannabinoids to create pure cannabidiol products.

Side Effects

Although the products are known for having great benefits, we have to accept the fact that it has side effects. Don't be alarmed, many people have witnessed its effectiveness without worrying about major issues regarding the product. Of course, these side effects are only mild, but some are also potential risks. It's essential that you do your research before buying any of the variants available in the market. That way, it's easier to avoid regrets and bad decisions.
● Diarrhea
● Decreased Appetite
● Change In Alertness
● Drowsiness
● Causes Liver Injury

Uses Of Cannabidiol


Many people suffer from severe anxiety and it's recommended to take medication to keep it at normal levels. All of us can experience anxiousness, but sometimes it reaches an irregular point. One of cannabidiol's many uses and benefits is that it can help with lowering your anxiety. It's quite helpful in your day-to-day life if you're always struggling and bothered by your anxiousness. Let's say it can be your go-to all-natural remedy.

Pain Relief

Another famous benefit is its ability to heal most types of pain, including muscular, arthritis, joint pain, and many others. It's normal for us living beings to feel body pain every once and a while. It can come from an intense workout or from doing heavy work. Either way, it's still the same bothering pain. Why endure all that when it can be fixed in an instant?

It's normal for us living beings to feel body pain every once and a while. Pixabay

Cancer Treatment

Cannabidiol is known for being anti-inflammatory. Its properties aid those people who are suffering from cancer treatment and cancer itself. We can all agree that it's capable of relieving many types of inflammation problems because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, it can also help reduce reproduction or cancer-cell growth. Not to mention that it's also useful in treating chemotherapy side effects.

Heart Health

Being exposed to stressful environments can cause high blood pressure. Having hypertension can be dangerous and can lead to stroke. Cannabidiol alleviates high blood pressure, reducing the chances of bigger and more problematic health issues (read more). Research shows that those users who have experienced stress from exercise, cold, or even from their environment, can have high blood pressure. However, by using CBD products such as CBD oil, their hypertension is lowered before and after the exposure.


Although more research still needs to be done, it is said that cannabidiol can help with seizures. There are certain disorders that cause lifelong seizures and some people or even kids are suffering from this. Of course, medications are needed to treat these seizures. It is also said that CBD can interact with other seizure medications. Making them more effective by increasing their concentration in our blood.


Its anti-inflammatory properties can also help those suffering from terrible acne. Several teenagers and adults are struggling with their never-ending acne-prone skin. Not a lot of skincare products can actually treat acne instantly, and some brands aren't always compatible with our skin. The fun fact is that CBD is also available in lotions and facial creams. Knowing that it's anti-inflammatory, these lotions and creams available in the market might be the answer to your skin problems.
