Narsimha Jayanti : The mythological story

Narsimha Jayanti is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Narsimha , who is worshipped as protector of the Universe.
Narsimha Jayanti is an important day for all the devotees of Lord Vishnu. [ Wikimedia] 

Narsimha Jayanti is an important day for all the devotees of Lord Vishnu. [ Wikimedia] 

Narsimha Jayanti 

Narsimha Jayanti is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Narsimha , who is worshipped as protector of the Universe.

In ancient times, there was a king named Kashyap. His wife's name was Diti. He had two sons, one of whom was named Harinyaksha and the other Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyaksha was killed by Lord Vishnu in the form of a boar when he took the earth to Patal Lok.

Due to this Hiranyakashipu became very angry. He pleased Brahmaji and Shivji to avenge his brother's death (murder). Brahmaji gave him the blessing of being 'invincible'. After getting this blessing, his mind became dirty and filled with arrogance, he started torturing the people.

In those days his wife Kayadhu gave birth to a son, who was named Prahlad. Although he was born in the house of a demon, he did not have any bad qualities like demons. He was a devotee of God and opposed the atrocities of his father.

To divert Prahlad's mind from devotion to God and to fill him with bad qualities like himself, Hiranyakashipu played many tricks, used policy and immorality, but Prahlad did not turn away from his path. In the end, he made many conspiracies to kill Prahlad, but he failed in all.

Once Hiranyakashipu tried to burn his sister Holika, (who had a blessing that she would not burn in the fire) alive in the pyre by sitting on his lap, but Holika was burnt to ashes in it and Prahlad remained as it was.

When every attempt of Hiranyakashipu failed, one day in a fit of anger, he pulled out the sword from the sheath and asked Prahlad - Tell me, where is your God?

Prahlad humbly said - Father! God is everywhere.

Is your God in this pillar also?

Prahlad said - Yes! They are also in this pillar.

Hearing this, the enraged Hiranyakashipu struck the pillar with his sword. Then by tearing the pillar Shri Narisimha God appeared and caught Hiranyakashipu and put him on his thighs and tore his chest with his nails.

After this, at the behest of Prahlad, Lord Shri Narasimha gave him salvation and pleased with Prahlad's devotion, that he gave a blessing that those who observe my fast on this day, they will be free from sin and attain my supreme abode.
