LokSena Hind: The Halal certification system, although primarily associated with food quality adherence within certain communities[Wikimedia Commons]
LokSena Hind: The Halal certification system, although primarily associated with food quality adherence within certain communities[Wikimedia Commons]

LokSena Hind stands with the Ban of Halal Certified products in Uttar Pradesh.

The call for a national-level ban on Halal certification stems from the fundamental belief in creating a level playing field for all, irrespective of religious or cultural affiliations, ensuring that consumer choices are based on quality and not influenced by religious biases.

By : Shubham Thorat

Party Coordinator

Loksena Hind Party

Party president Dr. Munish Raizada. in a recent statement on social media platforms extend a warm welcome to the decision made by the Uttar Pradesh government regarding the ban on Halal-certified products. The Party strongly supports this move and views it as a step in the right direction towards ensuring food quality standards and fostering an environment of neutrality and inclusivity.

The Halal certification system, although primarily associated with food quality adherence within certain communities, has often led to confusion and ambiguity in the broader consumer landscape. LokSena Hind underscores the necessity of a unified and standardized certification mechanism that transcends religious or cultural boundaries, ensuring transparency and clarity for all consumers.

Dr Munish Raizada the president Loksena of LokSena Hind, emphasized, "Halal certification, while catering to specific dietary preferences, unfortunately, it contributes to potential misunderstandings and biases concerning the overall quality of food items. It inadvertently creates a dichotomy that can lead to misconceptions about non-Halal products, thereby impacting their market presence unfairly."

the party  has raised concerns regarding the exploitation of religious sentiments for commercial gains[Wikimedia Commons]
the party has raised concerns regarding the exploitation of religious sentiments for commercial gains[Wikimedia Commons]

Furthermore, the party has raised concerns regarding the exploitation of religious sentiments for commercial gains. The association of certifications with religious affiliations can inadvertently lead to the marginalization of certain communities and hinder fair market practices. LokSena Hind firmly believes in fostering an environment where all communities can coexist harmoniously without any undue advantage or disadvantage.

Expressing the party’s broader vision, Dr Raizada stated, "We firmly advocate for a nationwide ban on Halal certification through a parliamentary law. Such a legislative move will not only ensure a standardized certification process but also uphold the principles of fairness and equality in the market sphere. It will prevent the exploitation of religious sentiments for commercial gains and promote an unbiased approach to food quality certification."

Expressing the party’s broader vision, Dr Raizada stated, "We firmly advocate for a nationwide ban on Halal certification[Wikimedia Commons]
Expressing the party’s broader vision, Dr Raizada stated, "We firmly advocate for a nationwide ban on Halal certification[Wikimedia Commons]

In alignment with LokSena Hind's core values of inclusivity and fairness, the organization urges policymakers and relevant stakeholders to consider this issue seriously. The call for a national-level ban on Halal certification stems from the fundamental belief in creating a level playing field for all, irrespective of religious or cultural affiliations, ensuring that consumer choices are based on quality and not influenced by religious biases.

For further updates and insights into LokSena Hind's stance on this matter, follow @LoksenaHind on various social media platforms.

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