Taliban will not Survive a Month if it lost its Sanctuary in Neighboring Pakistan, says Afghan President Ashraf Ghani

Taliban will not Survive a Month if it lost its Sanctuary in Neighboring Pakistan, says Afghan President Ashraf Ghani
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December 7, 2016: Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan President said on Sunday that the Taliban insurgency will not even survive a month if it loses its harbor in neighboring Pakistan.
Ghani made the remarks, at an international conference in the northern Indian city of Amritsar, which is not quite far from Pakistan border.

According to Reuters, "Pakistan said while violence had increased in Afghanistan, blaming another country for it didn't help."

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Last year, the highest number of civilian casualties and military-related deaths in the world was suffered in Afghanistan.

"This is unacceptable… Some still provide sanctuary for terrorists. As a Taliban figure said recently, if they had no sanctuary in Pakistan, they wouldn't last a month," Ghani said.

Analysts say, "Pakistan has historically backed the Afghan Taliban as a hedge against the influence of arch-rival India, with whom Pakistan has fought three wars, in its backyard."
Pakistan does not agree to it, rather claims itself to be a victim of terrorism.

Tehrik-i-Taliban is one of the main groups carrying out attacks inside Pakistan. And, they were operating from Afghanistan.

Pakistan's top foreign-policy adviser, Sartaj Aziz said," It was true that there had been an upsurge in violence in Afghanistan."

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"We need to have an objective and holistic view rather blame one country," he told the conference.

By the conflict in Afghanistan, a number of people have been displaced this year, and it has surpassed half a million people, according to the United Nations reported last month.

Not only Taliban, Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks targeting minority Shi'ites in Afghanistan.

Ghani said, calling it an undeclared war in Afghanistan, "I don't want a blame game, I want clarifications on what is being done to prevent the export of terror."

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Regional players had to act against not only the militants but their sponsors. It must be backed by resolute action. Not just against forces of terrorism, but also against those who support, shelter, train and finance them."

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Indian officials said, "Islamabad has rejected the Indian allegations and said it was ready to hold talks with India on the dispute over Kashmir, but no talks are planned with Aziz while he is in Amritsar."

– by NewsGram team
