Shiva Loka: Everything You Need to Know About The Cosmos We Live in

Shiva Loka: Everything You Need to Know About The Cosmos We Live in
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When Lord Shiva starts his Shiva Tandav, his popular cosmic dance, the dangerous energies are delivered and enacted that destroys all of the creation.

For a large number of years, Lord Shiva has been worshipped by people all over the world. His energy has been utilized for the advancement and development of Mankind. He is viewed as the Lord of the Universe and even the God of the Gods in the Sanatana Dharma. It is in the Shiva Purana that discusses, inside and out, about his origins and his exploits of divine persona. He is additionally a part of a rich Indian culture of art, dance, and music. Many devotional traditional dances have developed around the dances of Shiva, while Nagas and Tantrics center around the energies.

His part in divine creation is of most extreme significance as he pulls back and changes manifestations at various time-spans. At the point when Rishis meditated on his divine personality, they have seen interesting information about Shiva and have conceived procedures to expand his powers to assist mankind. The following record from the Rishis gives us incredible insights and data as well.

The Creation

With them, the diversification of the manifestation increased rapidly. But that's not the only reason for their manifestation. When the Devi manifested the worlds, they were so pure that it couldn't hold the strong and divine energy. Thus, with the trinity, the intensity and energy also reduced as per an article on VedicFeed.

To make the divine Cosmos, Shiva Loka (Sadashivaloka), she made a solid, dominant field of energy, which is called the Vectrum Diamond Principle by Rishis.

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The Vectrum Diamond Principle

It looks like Star Tetrahedron and is huge and powerful. This was the first field ever made. Prior endeavors to cosmos had failed since the cosmos were not steady, and the part of light consistently dissipated. Along these lines, Devi made the Vectrum Diamond Principle, which secured the further rise of other new manifestations.

Hindus worship Shiva as the linga, rather than worshipping His personality. Pixabay

1008 Cosmos manifested in total from the Vectrum Diamond Principle. Each was unique, the decision of which was established by Mula Brahman to introduce diversity at the highest level.

Other than the Shiva Lokas, other manifestations emerged too, which in turn gave birth to further other cosmoses. Be that as it may, the Vecturm Diamond Principle is just practical for the 1008 Shiva Lokas. Inside these Shiva Lokas, Vectrum Diamond Principle assists with making new matter and protects it.

Yet, the energy of the field is incredibly powerful that other progressed spirits attempt to connect with it so they can gain special powers. The principle shields it from them as well. The principle likewise shields Shiva Loka from different manifestations of Devi that is more powerful than the Shiva Lokas, and that can negatively affect them. It is somewhat a shield that protects them all.

Among these 1008 Shiva Lokas, the one creation that made us is the Kailasa, and accordingly, the Cosmos that we exist in is known as Kailasa Shiva.

The Shiva Loka

Hindus worship Shiva as the linga, rather than worshipping His personality. A linga has the power and special energies inside. The explanation that individuals worship him as Linga is that the Shiva Loka, the cosmos that we are a part of, is in the first of Linga. The shape is inverted in reality, with the oval ring towards the Devi Loka, and cylindrical shape moving towards other different manifestations.

This whole field of Shiva Loka has 8 concentric layers, each layer is in the form of a Linga, and can additionally be separated into 108 planes. Inside the Shiva Loka, there are complex, various units, with floating particles spread over the universe. Besides, there are exceptional cells in geometric shapes that are smart and can make new energies, and new strategies that tackle issues at different levels of existence.

The Dimension

There are two circular rings at the bottom of the Linga shape of the field. They are the two dimensions of Shiva Loka. The inner one is whitish blue, and the other one is dark blue. It is the base for the entire Shiva Loka.

The inward ring is known as Adi and has unique energies of Shiva. It is made out of permeable matter. The external ring, then again, has energies of Ardhanarishvara, a blend of Shiva and Parvati. It contains the viscous matter, and accordingly acts like the defender or the channel in the cosmos that retains all the negative energies that enter it.

There is a passage that prompts all parts of creation in that ring as well. The spirits that come from Devi Loka to Shiva Loka dwell on these rings for a long time, understanding the decisions they need to reincarnate into the creation. From that point forward, the characters change concerning their objective and in this manner are guided further.

The Energies

Shiva Loka's essential energy color is light blue, while different shades of blue are additionally predominant. Other colors exist as well, however, they have a lower share in proportion. Despite that, all the colors convey unconditional love and generosity.

Different other energies in the Shiva Loka exist as well, and they can even assist us to facilitate our internal facilities. These can be sources of amazingly strong energies and siddhis that Tantriks can obtain with profound Sadhana.

Shiva Loka's essential energy color is light blue, while different shades of blue are additionally predominant. Pinterest

A striking element of this energy is that it can multiply itself. Thus, regardless of whether a little amount propagates through you, it can make a tremendous field of energy with the approval of Shiva.

The other element is that the segments of the energies change periodically, relating to the Mahayuga of Earth, and bringing about new constituencies each time with the various changes in the manifestations that emerged through Shiva Loka.

There are even uncommon devices in Shiva Loka and the scents help the gadgets to get appropriately tuned to keep up the Linga shape of the Cosmos.

The Souls in Shiva Loka

Inside the Shiva, spirits are made. As per Rishis, 30% of the total spirits in the Cosmos are from Shiva Loka, and that there are no evils in the Shiva Loka. In any case, the powerful energies of Shiva can be utilized for both good and evil powers of creation.

There are additionally Shiva Ganas, unique spirits made by Shiva to help him in his work. Each has their work and have some expertise in finishing them. These Ganas are additionally responsible to teach individuals about Shiva and spread through the Shiva energy when needed. Approximately 3/4th of the whole works of Shiva is done by Shiva Ganas.

Nandi has a great amount of Shiva's energy put inside him. Unsplash

Nageshwara and Lord Nandi

In the Hindu scriptures, Nandi is portrayed as the mighty bull which is supposed to be the vehicle of Shiva to travel back through time and space. According to the Rishis, Nandi is a personality known as Nandikeshvara and is the backbone of Shiva.

Nandi has a great amount of Shiva's energy put inside him. Thus, Shiva consistently cooperates and examines a great deal of work together before executing them. He is the one answerable to deal with all the Shiva Ganas and is additionally the fundamental channel through which energies and love from Lord Shiva flow to the creation and mankind. Maybe this is the reason why there is a sculpture of the bull facing the Shiva Linga in all the Shiva temples.

Nageshwara is likewise responsible to protect Shiva during his work. He is the snake that encloses Shiva's neck and protects the weak region. He guarantees that nothing can affect Shiva during his work.

The Third Eye

There is a common thought that the third eye is through which Shiva demolishes creations. However, this isn't the whole truth. The third eye, indeed, is a complex issue.

It is a special layer in Shiva Loka. The Rishis claim that a large number of galaxies, similar to units, unique spirits, and Ganas exist in the layer, and it is the place numerous new energies are made. It is additionally the layer from where knowledge is moved. Our cosmic system is said to have risen out of his third eye, as per Rishis.

The Destroyer

Unlike Devi, Shiva doesn't have different aspects, though he is depicted in various forms. And the core personality of the Shiva Loka is Lord Shiva. Everything that manifests from the cosmos was initially created by Devi to assist in withdrawing and destroying creation at various stages too. And destruction is an important part of creation since birth and death is a profound reality. It is the cycle through which there is a balance in manifestation. The role of Shiva is to destroy the creation when required. But the function is not only limited to that. He is the one who destroys creation, along with evil, negativity, stagnation of life. The destruction doesn't necessarily mean death and pain, but also transformation towards the light.

Thus, with the manifestations through Shiva, there are a ton of continuous changes happening that delivers the abundance of new changes throughout everyday life.

Be that as it may, he doesn't intrude on the creation until it is totally necessary. He destroys when it is important. Additionally, he does it in the correct proportion. After finishing the destruction cycle, he utilizes the energies from the destroyed manifestation to make new devices.

Other roles of Shiva

Aside from his function of a destroyer, he is additionally the one who helps the spirit to experience God without limit. He aids the working and sharing of Adi Shakti's work all through the cosmoses and galaxies.

He engages with the Rishis to show them the correct path, and offer hope, energy, and love. There are accounts of how he has incarnated on earth to help Rishis when out of luck. When he has completed his works, he returns but leaves the energy so other souls can be impacted by his positive energy. There is additionally the tale about how he lived on Mount Kailash in the Himalayas, and how Rishis went to the spot to be in contact with his stories. They claim that about 75% of his energies existed at the spot until 1974. But, when the Pralaya started, a great amount of these energies moved to different spots. Today, the Rishis say that the measure of energy remaining maybe around 2% at Mount Kailash.

Shiva also has numerous uncommon gadgets that destroy evil powers. The remarkable feature about his Gadgets is that if some spirit attempts to misuse it, at that point it gets powerless on its own. A considerable lot of the gadgets have originated from Shiva Loka, as indicated by the Rishis.

It is additionally said that when a spirit incarnates into creation, the gender is chosen while picking the mind in Brahman Loka. Pinterest

He likewise takes help from Goddess Parvati to make new energies. He moves with a ton of healing energies that have the ability to destroy any reason for disorder or chronic weakness.

It is additionally said that when a spirit incarnates into creation, the gender is chosen while picking the mind in Brahman Loka. In the event that the spirit picks the female mind, at that point, Shiva passes a ton of energies from Devi Parvati onto them.

He also has the ability to expand the life of an individual soul in the material universe, however, they are observed by the Rishis.

What we think about Shiva is just founded on one Shiva Loka; there are 1007 Shiva Lokas that have manifested out of Devi, with the utilization of the Vectrum Diamond Principle. In this way, there must be numerous different capacities that Shiva can have.

Everything in nutshell

The multifaceted nature of the manifestation in the whole universe isn't totally understandable by a normal human brain. Rishis claim this to be the "Leela" of supreme intelligence. However, what can be perceived is that He brings creation, permits us to encounter life in the creation in this Cosmos, and afterward pulls back it to draw out some other form.

The divine characters have their positions to handle as well. They aid the organization and support of the manifestations through which the spirits enter in their journey and advance through these Lokas. It is Shiva who pulls back and changes the creation and changes individual spirits as well. His energy is very incredible and the spirits can utilize it for negative or positive causes as well. Any spirit has the ability to connect up with Shiva himself, and through which they can get energies, information, and proper direction.
