
Demonetization Effect: India does have some Wealthy Wives in the Country

NewsGram Desk

November 22, 2016: Mothers often stow money. They save the money from the expenditures and hide it away so that the money could be used in emergencies. This is not just an Indian stratagem; women around the world do the same. In Japan, there is even a word for it: "hesokuri" or money hidden in the navel.

Times of India reported a case of Dadar, where a housewife Kavita Kishore saved about Rs. 2,50,000 from the allowances and all the birthday envelopes. Her husband runs a cut piece cloth shop in Dadar. Since last year, for every month, her husband has been giving her Rs. 20,000 for the household expenditures. When they got married 30 years ago, he used to give her Rs. 500 in tens and twenties and told her to keep the change.

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The money is saved all these years from bargaining at markets, buying second hand school books and stretching the dough. Last week, she had to dig out all the money stashed in the house and at her sister's place. Her husband was surprised to see all the money she had saved in all these years.

Although he has promised her that he will withdraw the money whenever she needs it, she believes she will have to start again from scratch.

Women in India despair demonetization because their cash reserves were the funds they kept out of sight of their husbands. Now, they have to forfeit all the money.

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The Japan Times cited a survey last November conducted by a life insurance company. The results were astonishing. The average savings of a woman in Japan was Rs. 7.8 lakh in Indian currency.

South African financial journalist, Sasha Planting, believes there is nothing wrong with a secret stash. She thinks stash is prudent. Keeping it a secret is totally up to the people.

Pamela Gomes, a 40 year old private tutor in Bengaluru, saved about Rs. 32,000 after her husband didn't approve her buying expensive jackets. She thought that she is an independent woman and she don't need any lectures when she is contributing her share to the house.

Prepared by Diksha Arya of NewsGram. Twitter: @diksha_arya53

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