
Alone during the Holiday season? List of things you can do on your own to have a Good time!

NewsGram Desk

New Delhi, December 29, 2016: For many reasons, many of us might find ourselves alone in the holiday season. With all the festivities and cheer surrounding us, the holidays can be an especially emotionally taxing time. Holiday season can be an emotionally tiring time even for those of us who are usually okay being alone. But there are many things one can do despite being alone, to enjoy the holidays.

  • Binge watch movies

One can always watch movies alone. There is a long list of Christmas movies which will be the best way to spend the holiday season. Home Alone series, When Harry met Sally, You've got mail etc are some of the many movies that one can watch.

Enjoying movie. Giphy

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  • Travel

If you have the funds and a destination to-visit in mind, take a small getaway from your daily life. Travelling engages one wholly, from the tip of the mind to the toe of the soul.

Let's Go. Giphy

  • Volunteering

Volunteering at an NGO or shelter for the homeless will help you feel connected and content from within. One should participate in such activities at other times of the year too and not just on one day of the year. This will make the experience of giving and helping others more fulfilling.

Helping needy. Giphy

  • Plan an outing

Visit the museum, any historical place, watch a movie in the theatre or try doing something new. Try giving yourself a new experience like going for a spa, visiting a new bookstore, going for plays in the theatre etc.

Visiting museum. Giphy

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  • Read

Reading is for one and all. It is for people who have many people in the house and for people who have no one around. There are so many books that one can read and feel engaged and peaceful.

Reading book. Giphy

  • Cook for yourself

Instead of ordering in or visiting a restaurant , try cooking for yourself. Try a new recipe or bake a cake for yourself or invent your own new recipe!

Cake. Giphy

  • Have fun with other people who are alone

Create an "alternative family" made up of people whose company you enjoy, like friends, colleagues etc. Remember that you are not alone in being alone during the holidays. Get together with others and have some fun.

Meeting friend. Giphy

  • Reach out

If you can't be with family or loved ones during this time of the year, send them letters or call them —basically, reach out to them. You can even send them handmade cards or gifts.

Surprise gift. Giphy

– prepared by Shambhavi Sinha of NewsGram. Twitter: @shambhavispeaks

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