
Naked sleepers most content in relationships: Survey

NewsGram Desk

New York, July 14: Wearing nothing between the sheets is the key to have a happy and robust relationship, a research reveals.

In a survey done on 1,000 Britons, 57 percent of the people who sleep naked reported feeling "happy" in love.

While less than half of the people who wear pyjamas or nighties said they were "extremely happy".

According to New Hampshire-based Cotton USA, the export promotion programme of the US Cotton Council International (CCI), sleeping habits can have a lasting impact on relationships.

While satin bed clothing gives the impression of wealth but also sleaze, cotton is associated with cleanliness while polyester is "cheap".

"Bedding can feel extremely soft against the skin, encouraging openness and intimacy between couples and ultimately increasing happiness," said the survey.

Also, dirty washing on the bedroom floor, left-over food and cluttered beds are among the biggest turn-offs. (Bollywood Country Report)

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