
Healing Emotional Trauma for A Peaceful Mind, Body and Soul

NewsGram Desk
  • Emotional trauma is never ending; always finds its way back to you.
  • Dealing with it and facing reality is the way to heal yourself.
  • Accepting, forgiving and letting go are the first steps to healing emotional trauma.
  • Surround yourself with people who love for you are.

Emotional pain has a way around people; it always comes unannounced which we have no control over. But dealing with the emotional trauma is something we do have control over. Just like a bruise or a scar the emotional trauma also goes away but you can't escape it as it's a part of your life whether you like it or not. Augustus wasn't wrong in saying that pain demands to be felt in the famous John Green novel "The fault in our stars". Healing emotional trauma the right way is when you face it.

  1. Acceptance

The first step to healing emotional trauma is accepting it. If you keep something locked away it eventually goes bad and smells, just like that accepting the existence of the pain is necessary to get rid of it. Don't throw fits and instead embrace the situation because everything does happen for a reason no matter how bad. The important thing to remember is to keep the faith.

Accept the situation and believe that you can overcome it. Pixabay

  1. Healing emotional trauma involves Forgiveness

Grudges can sometimes destroy your inner peace more than you could imagine it to be. When you hold on to a something for too long your arms start to pain and eventually give up on you. Similarly, holding on to grudges hurts you more than the person you're holding it against. The smart choice for healing emotional trauma would be to let the baggage go unless it's Gucci.

  1. Don't think and ruin it for yourself

Overthinking a situation ruins your inner peace and also makes you intensify the graveness of the pain. What's done is done, don't ruminate on it for long. The best option would be to chuck it and move on with your life.

Forgiving and forgetting is the first step to healing emotional trauma. Pixabay

  1. Surround yourself with people who motivate and encourage you

  1. Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are. Pixabay

Dealing with emotional pain can be nerve wrecking and facing reality alone can be scary. In times like those, you need people who will understand you and accept for who you are. Toxic people who put you down or fail to understand you as a person are not the right way to heal your emotional trauma.

-Prepared by Tanya Kathuria of Newsgram; Twitter: @TanyaKathuria97

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