
Follow These Oral Hygiene and Dental Health Tips

NewsGram Desk


Oral hygiene has been regarded as the mirror to ones general health, as research has shown a link between the health of a persons set of precious set of "while pearls" and overall health.

Here are some oral and dental health tips by Dr Himanshu Dadlani, Consultant, Dental Care, Max Hospital, Gurugram, for working people who are always running short of time:

1. Brush regularly but not aggressively

Brushing teeth twice a day is a well known oral hygiene routine but that's effective only if done using use the correct technique. Brush upper jaw teeth using down strokes and lower jaw using up strokes. Take care to brush the front, back and top of every tooth. Strictly avoid using back-and-forth motions.
Use a soft toothbrush and change your toothbrush every 3 months or when the ends start to look frayed, whichever comes first.

Oral hygiene has been regarded as the mirror to ones general health. Pixabay

2. Floss at least once a day

Purpose of floss is not to remove the stuck food in-between the teeth but to remove the transparent plaque. It is extremely effective in reducing bad breath by cleaning the areas where a toothbrush is unable to reach.

3. Quit smoking

Smoking puts your mouth at risk for gum disease and oral cancer. Smoking leads to yellowing of the teeth and also causes bad breath. Reach out to your dentist for quitting programs.

4. Check your diet

Avoid sugary and sticky food. Fibrous food has natural cleaning action on your teeth. Feel like having carbonated drinks? Do yourself good and drink plenty of water instead.

Visit a dentist regularly for a better oral health. Pixabay

5. Never ignore bleeding from gums

Bleeding from gums is the initial sign of gum disease. See a dentist for a simple solution.

6. Ignore the myth that cleaning the teeth is going to weaken them

Regular professional cleaning of your teeth has no side effects at all rather it is simple and painless.

7. See a dentist regularly

No matter what age you are, seeing a dentist every six months is always a good idea. Prevention is the hallmark of modern dentistry. (IANS)

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