Drinking just one or two alcoholic drinks per day may cause liver disease

Drinking just one or two alcoholic drinks per day may cause liver disease

By NewsGram Staff Writer

This goes out to all the party buffs who think that sipping a glass or two of alcoholic drinks a day will not cause any harm.

A recent study presented at The International Liver Congress 2015 in Vienna, Austria unveiled that cirrhosis burden caused by alcohol went up by 11.13% when moving from the moderate to heavy daily drinking (one drink for women and two drinks for men).

The researchers drew attention to the fact that indulging in daily consumption of alcohol turns out to be the strongest forecaster of alcoholic cirrhosis.

The World Health Organization's (WHO) Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health shows that around 6% of global deaths are caused by drinking alcohol, the majority of which is from alcoholic cirrhosis.

The researchers examined the WHO's Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health. The report incorporated parameters of alcohol consumption and drinking patterns from 193 countries.

"The presence of heavy daily drinkers in a population most significantly and independently influences the weight of alcohol in a country's cirrhosis burden," said Eva Stein, one of the researchers.
