Carl Ebbesen: Muslim girls only swimming session “destructive” for Danish culture

Carl Ebbesen: Muslim girls only swimming session “destructive” for Danish culture
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By Akanksha Sharma

Tingbjerg- A heavy Muslim Migrant district of Copenhagen, witnessed a large number of Muslim girls participating for swimming lessons after the introduction of separate swimming session only for Muslim girls Hovedstadens Svømmeklub (Capital City Swimming Club).

Although, this initiative can act as a "recipe for integration", but politicians and commentators are opposing it citing the reason, it could be destructive towards the Danish values.

According to The Local "During Muslim girl-only swimming session, windows and doors of the swimming halls will be blacked out, as per the demands made by parents to meet their cultural and religious values".

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"We have gone from zero to several hundred girls in three years, and have successfully established a swimming option for a specific group, which would otherwise find swimming difficult to access because of religion," Lars Sørensen, the director of Hovedstadens Svømmeklub (HSK), told Berlingske.

Sørensen told Berlingske that supporting young Muslim girls to participate in sport-while keeping in mind their religious beliefs, will strengthen their physical health and will also unite them together (while promoting Sharia-complaint gender-based segregated from the Danish population at large).

Copenhagen's Deputy Mayor for culture and leisure, Carl Christian Ebbesen told Berlingske that creating segregated swimming session for Muslim girls was bad for integration and "destructive" for Danish culture.

"It is completely crazy to meet these demand. There is a desperately short supply of swimming pools, so we shouldn't be closing them down by putting curtains in front of the windows and signs saying 'just for girls' just to meet the demands of religious fanatics," Ebbesen said.

Akanksha Sharma is a student of Journalism in New Delhi. She currently works as an intern in Newsgram. Twitter: @Akanksha4117
