Scientific explanation of Indian traditions show our ancestors were mastermind of science, art, and society

Scientific explanation of Indian traditions show our ancestors were mastermind of science, art, and society

Traditions are one of the beautiful aspects and an inseparable part of India that makes it lively and vibrant. Indian traditions have always mesmerised people across the globe with its elegance. These traditions that include customs, celebrations, and numerous rituals are not only graceful but also very scientific. There are quite a number of scientific explanations to these that shows that our ancestors were the mastermind of science, art, and society.

There are quite a number of scientific explanations to these that shows that our ancestors were the mastermind of science, art, and society:

  • In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms together. This gesture helps memorise the person for a long time. Joining palms with ensured pressure on the fingertips is linked with the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind and bring up the lost memory of old friends.
  • Hindu married women wear toe rings. This is not just a symbol of their marital status. The ring wore in the second toe strengthens women's fertility. A particular nerve from the second toe connects the uterus and passes through the heart. The habit of wearing ring strengthens the uterus keeps healthy blood circulation and regular menstrual cycle.

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  • Hindus have a custom of throwing copper coins in water and making a wish which will bring good luck. In the ancient time, currencies were made of copper which is also an important mineral for the human body. Thus, people used to throw the copper coins in the river as that was the only source of drinking water then. They wished that every person may get ample copper.

Tulsi Plant, Image source: Wikimedia Commons

  • Whether a little boy or an old man, everyone rings the bell in front of the Garbha Griha (innermost sanctum) of Mandirs. Sastra says it forces away the evil power. But scientifically, the sharp sound of bell creates unity in left and right parts of the brain. The enduring sound of bell lasts for more or less seven seconds in echo mode which activates seven healing centres of our body. It makes our mind free from any sort of negative thoughts.
  • Hindus worship trees like Peepal and Tulsi. Peepal doesn't produce juicy fruits, beautiful flowers or strong wood. But it is the only tree that produces oxygen in the night. Tulsi increases the immunity, stabilizes health and prevents insect, snakes. So, our forefather gave us the tradition of worshipping these trees, so that we take care of them.

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  • Hinduism gave a custom of worshipping idols. In one hand, the religion says that God has no form and in the other hand it propagates idols. According to psychology, man shapes his thought as per what he sees. Thus the concept of idols was developed for the purpose of increasing concentration while praying.

Our forefathers developed the customs that was completely scientific in nature and have endless health benefits attached to it but quite a few of them are still following those blindly. There are people who name these as superstitions and willingly avoid it. It is high time that we decide for ourselves whether to accept or reject the. These scientific practices need to be analysed so that we could respect our ancestors, their intellect, and our elegant traditions.

– by Priyanka Saha of NewsGram. Twitter: @priyanka140490

