HRD Ministry to Ban word ‘SEX’ from Sex Education at School level to avoid offending People

HRD Ministry to Ban word ‘SEX’ from Sex Education at School level to avoid offending People

October 26, 2016: The Narendra Modi Government has decided to discard the usage of the word 'sex' from the sex education programme at the school level and HRD (Human Resource Development) Ministry has forced a panel of experts to condense it into one sentence. They said, that words like 'sex' or 'sexual' could not be allowed and the section had to be condensed into just one sentence."

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HRD has also asked to abandon the use of words such as 'sex' and 'sexual' in the document for framing the policy on sex education for the students and said that the mention of the word 'sex' in the document might offend people, mentioned report.

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According to the Telegraph, when Smriti Irani had headed the HRD Ministry, the original draft which was given out in May used the word 'sex' twice.

Later it was reported that the expert panel has been asked to reduce the recommendations on adolescent education and asked not to use phrases like "sexual health needs," as the word 'sex' is a taboo in India and instead of taking a step ahead and working forward to eradicate this, to the surprise, the government says, the mention of this word in the document might not be liked by people and offend them.

On the other side, experts have requested and urged upon a more explicit form of education where sex is talked about freely which will help solve the existing issues in this part of our lives.

According to the reports, the half a page in the draft earlier mainly advocated more thorough and explained lessons against unprotected sex but the Ministry raised objections on this as well during the last round of discussions.

– prepared by Chesta Ahuja, NewsGram. Twitter: @ahuja_chesta
