Gau Bharat Bharti: A Multilingual National Weekly Newspaper Dedicated to Holy Cows

Gau Bharat Bharti: A Multilingual National Weekly Newspaper Dedicated to Holy Cows

July 12, 2017:

Sanjay Sharma always contemplated that if there is one thing that can save the planet from disasters, it will be "Gau Raksha" (Cow Safety). Being a journalist for more than two and a half decade, he had a penchant for writing about Gau Mata.

According to him, the newspaper is a medium that reaches millions and hence it was important to illuminate people about the positives of Gau Mata. Thus, Sanjay Sharma launched Gau Bharat Bharti on June 18, 2015.

It is a registered and independent multilingual national weekly newspaper based on "Gau Mata", which is the first of its kind published in Mumbai.

Worshiping of Gau Mata. Pixabay

The cow is a science unto itself. Unless you view cow from a scientific perspective, the debates will keep on raging. With the same perspective, the team of Gau Bharat Bharti and patrons strive to bring awareness to people and preserve the culture of worshipping Gau Mata.

Not only this, from dairy products to fertilizers, everything can be obtained from the holy cow. Gau Bharat Bharati has slowly and steadily amassed acknowledgment and appreciation from people of Mumbai, parts of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

The team pledges to ensure that the various medicinal, herbal products of "Gau Mata" become accessible to all sections of the society at a moderate value.

Sanjay also hails Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath actions towards admitting cow as "Mata" (Mother) and sanctions against the illegal slaughterhouse for cows in UP.

Sanjay devours Gomutra (Cow urine) every day. He believes that the cow urine therapy can cure many chronic diseases. With the help of his weekly newspaper, he is aiming towards a blissful nation if everyone of us will continue to preserve our holy mother cow.

– by a staff writer at NewsGram
