Status of Bitcoin in India

Status of Bitcoin in India

Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency, rising 19-folds in value, it has attracted many retail investors from around the world. However, cryptocurrencies are yet not a legal tender in India and Bitcoin is disapproved as a legal currency.

Government's take

Finance minister Arun Jaitley highlighted in a statement that cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and have no regulatory permission or protection in the country. However, there was no announcement banning or imposing any curbs on the same.

The government panel is also awaiting a report on tackling cryptocurrencies in India, Jaitley said.

The government has recently cautioned investors to be wary of virtual currencies like bitcoin, saying they are like Ponzi schemes with no legal tender and protection.

There is no bank or government tax agency that can track your money and its movement. Hence, it can become a tool for money laundering. Pixabay

No mechanism to prevent misuse

There is no mechanism to prevent the misuse of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin by terror groups and other anti-national elements.
"One of the features of cryptocurrency is that there is lack of dependence on the state. It functions with a degree of anonymity. It operates within a virtual community which is created and enjoys the trust of that virtual community," Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Rajya Sabha.
"The government is examining the matter. A Committee under the chairmanship of the Economic Affairs Department Secretary is deliberating over all issues related to cryptocurrencies to propose specific actions to be taken… Instead of taking any knee-jerk action, let's wait for the report of this committee." Jaitley added

There is no insurance protection of your bitcoin wallet i.e. if you lose your wallet's hard drive data or even your password, your wallet's content is gone forever. Pixabay

Some basics on Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin is the first ever cryptocurrency that existed, it was invented in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Cryptocurrencies are nothing but computer codes that have monetary value. No Government has any control over them.
  • Bitcoins 'self-contain' their value i.e. there's no need for any bank to move or store the money.
  • Bitcoin currency is completely unregulated and decentralized.
  • Bitcoins are mined, and they can be mined by anyone in the general public who has a strong computer. However, only 21 billion of bitcoins in total can be mined. Currently, there are around 11 million in circulation.
  • Bitcoin has no underlying physical monetary base to support its value, and it is totally subject to its demand in the market.