Most Advanced Laser Surgery for Piles in Bangalore

Most Advanced Laser Surgery for Piles in Bangalore

People with piles are embarrassed to talk about their problem. They don't discuss the problem with others and continue to be in pain, hoping that it will cure on its own. So if you are suffering from it and have tried all home remedies which has ultimately proven to be ineffective, this article is for you.

What is piles?

Piles are nothing but swollen hemorrhoids.These are veins in the anal region that swell due to increased pressure. Obese people or pregnant women are more likely to suffer from it. Standing or sitting for long periods, coughing, sneezing, vomiting or even holding the breath adds to the problem. In some serious cases, they cause bleeding. When it prolapse then it tends to bulge out of the anus. They become irritated by rubbing from clothing or sitting. Laser surgeries has emerged as one of the effective treatments for curing it.

For permanent treatment of Grade II and Grade III piles, you should opt for laser surgery.

What are the symptoms for piles?

Most common symptoms of piles include-

Seeing blood on the toilet paper while a bowel movement.

  • Feeling itching, discomfort or excruciating pain around the anal region
  • Getting moist, pink bumps around the edge of the anus which may turn purple or blue, too.
  • Seeing blood on the toilet paper while a bowel movement

What is the most common cause of piles?

Junk food such as pizza, fries, chips, lack any fiber which causes constipation. This contributes to piles in two ways:

  • It worsens the condition by producing hard stools that further irritate the swollen veins.
  • It also promotes straining on the toilet.

What are the specific foods which can help during piles?

The most common advice which is given to patients suffering from piles is "Eat more fiber. Stay hydrated". This is considered to be adequate. But eating some specific foods will help the painful problem. Eat fruits that contain high amounts of roughage such as apples, bananas, etc. Include as much green vegetables in your diet as possible. A nutritionist can provide you with the proper diet chart which will help you in passing stools easily.

How can piles be treated?

Studies show that laser surgeries have proven to be more effective in treating piles than other surgeries.

Mild piles can be treated by changing diet, in physical activity or over-the-counter medicines like anti-inflammatory pain-killers, lotions, gels, wipes or pads. But for permanent treatment of Grade II and Grade III piles, you should opt for laser surgery. Studies show that laser surgeries have proven to be more effective in treating piles than other surgeries. The anal area is simply treated with a laser beam in a focussed manner. The whole procedure is completed within a couple of minutes. In laser surgery, special light beams are used in place of instruments for surgical procedures. It is used extensively by surgeons in curing piles, anal fissures or fistulas. Consult with a doctor if you want to know more about laser surgery.

The changing lifestyle and irregular sleeping patterns have led to complications such as piles, fissures and fistulas. Advanced treatment for these issues such as laser surgery are still not common amongst people. Pristyn Care promises to bring quality piles treatment in Bangalore at an affordable price. Their USDFA approved laser techniques are considered to be the best in the cities of Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Delhi NCR. Also, their highly-experienced doctors perform surgeries that ensure no recurrence of the problem and lower risks of complications.
