17 Points That Prove Mahabharata Is Real

17 Points That Prove Mahabharata Is Real

Mahabharata is the most incredible tale ever told to mankind. It forms one of the pillars of Hindu Dharma and it's moral values have a huge impact on millions of people.

Many believe the Mahabharata war is said to have occurred before the transition of Dwapara Yuga to Kali Yuga (Concept of Four Yugas). Dating the Mahabharata war and the start of Kaliyuga has been elusive and going on for many centuries, as per an article on VedicFeed.

People have been debating over the historical accuracy or evidence/proofs about the story and the occurrence of Mahabharata for a long time. Many people question the occurrence and existence of Mahabharata. They speculate if it was a work of fiction or not?

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Mahabharata is completely real and it did take place.

There are numerous archaeological and scientific evidence to prove the occurrence and existence of Mahabharata. Read the points below to know the difference between what is 'reality' and what is a 'myth' about Mahabharata.

1.) It has been mentioned in the epic that Mahabharata is an "Itihasa" which means history and thus it means that Mahabharata took place.

The words "Purana" and "Itihasa" were created to denote history that occurred at different phases in the past. If Mahabharata was a piece of fiction then the writer would've stated it to be "Maha Kavya" or "Katha".

2.) It is mentioned in Aadiparva, Adhyaya 62 that the records of the Bharat-Dynasty are recorded in the Mahabharata. A number of dynasties with their long lineage of kings (more than 50 from Manu) have been presented in the work. If it were just fiction, 4-5 kings would have sufficed to build the story on.

It has been mentioned in the epic that Mahabharata is an "Itihasa" which means history and thus it means that Mahabharata took place. Pinterest

3. If you read the description of Kaliyuga as mentioned in Mahabharata, you will realize that whatever Shri Krishna had said, is a complete match with the modern world which exists today. Everything mentioned in the epic was written thousands of years ago, so how do you think someone can predict so much in a work of fiction? (If you consider it one!)

4.) With the help of Marine archaeology, much shreds of evidence were found in support of Mahabharata. The ancient port city of Lord Krishna, Dwaraka, was found entirely submerged in water in Gujarat.

It's massive fort walls, piers, wharves and jetty has been found in the ocean and they tally with the description of them given in Mahabharata.

5.) The Sanskrit verse from the Mausala Parva 7 verse 40 of the Mahabharata, describes the submergence of Dwaraka in the ocean.

With the help of Marine archaeology, much shreds of evidence were found in support of Mahabharata. Pinterest

"After all the people had set out, the ocean flooded Dwaraka, which still teemed with a wealth of every kind. Whatever portion of land was passed over, the ocean immediately flooded over with its waters."

6.) More than 35 sites in the Northern part of India have provided archaeological evidence of Mahabharata. These sites have also been identified as the ancient cities which have been mentioned in the Mahabharata.

Copper utensils, seals, iron, silver & gold ornaments, terracotta discs, and painted grey ware pottery have all been found in these sites. Scientific dating of these artifacts corresponds to the non-Aryan-invasion model of Indian antiquity.

7.) The dynasties that have been mentioned in the Ramayan and the Mahabharata coincide with each other. In fact, the relationships between various kings and their dynasties in both the "epics" match with each other. Why do you think that even the small details match between the two "epics"?

Mahabharata took place after Ramayan. If it were a piece of fiction, why would the writer of the Mahabharata copy the same thoughts and characters as mentioned by the author of Ramayana?

8. ) Megasthenes, the Greek historian, has stated that Chandragupta Maurya was the 138th King in the lineage of Lord Krishna.

This shows that Lord Krishna existed at that time and Mahabharata did occur.

9.) The places stated in Mahabharata are actual places. They all are identified as real places. For example, Hastinapur is located in UP. Indraprastha is the present-day Delhi. The city of Dwarka is located on the Gujarat coast.

Megasthenes, the Greek historian, has stated that Chandragupta Maurya was the 138th King in the lineage of Lord Krishna. Pinterest

10.) The Udyoga Parva of Mahabharata portrays that, not long before the War, Lord Krishna went to Hastinapur in the month of Kartika and on the day when the moon was at the asterism Revati.

On His approach to Hastinapur, Krishna rested for a day at a spot called Brikasthala, and on that day the moon was at the asterism Bharani. The day on which Duryodhana turned down all the endeavors of Krishna and made the war unavoidable, the moon was resting at the asterism Pushya.

11.) Krishna left Hastinapura with Karna, on the day when the moon had not arrived at the asterism Uttara Phalguni.

Karna went with Him to see Him off and he at that point, portrayed to the Lord the places of planets in the sky and expressed his apprehension that such a planetary arrangement represented an awful sign, for example, an enormous death toll and dousing of blood. Vyasa portrayed all these planetary arrangements in sixteen verses as though somebody was explaining it in the wake of envisioning them in the sky.

12.) The nation, India, is named Bharat after ruler Bharata (child of Dushyant and Shakuntala). What nation would be named after the hero of a fictional piece!?

It is absurd to state that these writings are fiction, due to its poetic nature. Pinterest

13.) European researchers brought in India, the nomadic Aryan clans, after 1500 BC.

How could these Aryans make the Sanskrit language, attain so much knowledge and compose every one of these writings before 700 BC? Incredible Indian masterminds including Lokmanya Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, and Dayanand Sarasvati dismissed the European theory.

14.) It is absurd to state that these writings are fiction, due to its poetic nature. It was a custom back then, to compose everything (even Mathematical formulae) in poetic structure.

15. Maurya, Gupta, and Indo-Greek dynasties are likewise recorded in our Puranas.

These dynasties are acknowledged simply because they are recorded by Greek historians. Shouldn't something be said about the dynasties that existed before the Greek historians?

16.) The Indian Epics, particularly the MAHABHARATA, get the string of the story of devastation and destruction.

Sanskrit researchers couldn't fathom what was being depicted in the Epics until the dropping of the first-ever nuclear bombs on Japan. There are Authentic Verses from Mahabharata: "Gurkha, flying a quick and ground-breaking vimana (quick airplane) flung a solitary shot (rocket) accused of the intensity of the Universe (atomic gadget). A glowing segment of smoke and fire, as brilliant as 10,000 suns, rose with all its magnificence."

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17.) The architect of the modern nuclear bomb, who was accountable for the Manhattan Project was asked by a student after the manhattan blast, "How do you feel after having exploded the first atomic bomb on earth?"

Oppenheimer's answer to the inquiry was, "not the first atomic bomb, but a first atomic bomb in modern times". He firmly accepted that nukes were utilized in ancient India.

Some of the unanswered questions: What made Oppenheimer believe that it was a nuclear war? Were the accurate descriptions of the weapons used in the Mahabharata war in the epic which matches that of modern nuclear weapons? How much truth is there in the stories that claim that a region in Kurukshetra still has a high level of radioactivity?
