Will HUH Token Disrupt The Stigma Surrounding Meme Tokens?

All in All, tokens such as HUH are slowly chipping away at the myths and beliefs that a lot of investors have about the meme crypto industry.
All in All, tokens such as HUH are slowly chipping away at the myths and beliefs that a lot of investors have about the meme crypto industry.

By- Steve Seos

With a growing interest in the cryptocurrency market, there is a need to make the crypto industry more approachable and accessible for people. Newly developed and existing tokens/coins must offer a streamlined and convenient experience, as well as a strong sense of purpose and use for the token to attract a wider pool of customers. This is where HUH Token could work.

While many "regular" cryptocurrencies are working towards this goal, what does this mean for meme tokens?

Meme tokens were dismissed initially and recognized as a joke cryptocurrency. They had no use or purpose and were originally designed to be satirical in nature. The original meme token created was the Dogecoin established in 2013 and its immense success was largely due to Elon Musk tweeting; "Dogecoin is the people's crypto," followed by another tweet saying, "No highs, no lows, only Doge."

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Consequently, Dogecoin started the trend of meme cryptocurrencies, with many other developers following in the footsteps of DOGE.

However, there are a few meme coins/tokens that are hoping to change the narrative and stigma of meme cryptos as having zero real-life value.

The HUH project aims reward their holders with tokens and BNB redistribution, creating an extra source of passive income for members of the HUH community.

HUH Token, What's is it?

HUH was originally founded to modernize traditional finance using blockchain technology. As a yield-generating smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network, HUH was designed to create its community a new form of passive income.

The meme token will be launching with a total supply of 888,000,000,000, the team aims to make the token available and approachable for as many investors as possible, with strategies in place to encourage long-term holdings.

All in All, tokens such as HUH are slowly chipping away at the myths and beliefs that a lot of investors have about the meme crypto industry.Photo by Executium on Unsplash

This includes a unique referral system that rewards every token holder who refers an individual to join the HUH community. The 2-tier referral system benefits both the referrer and the referee, making it a worthwhile venture for both parties.

When you refer anyone using your unique referral code, you receive 10% BNB redistribution on the initial purchase of the referee and a permanently reduced sell tax from 20% to 10%. If your referee also refers another individual, you will still earn a 2% redistribution from the third individual that was refereed. The best part is that you can referrer as many people as you like, so you can continue to reap the rewards of the referral scheme. All gains are redistributed automatically into the wallets of token holders, making life easier for all those involved.

This strategy encourages investors to bring more users onboard, thereby building the foundation of the project. An ambitious plan like this undoubtedly challenges the existing stigma surrounding meme cryptocurrency. All in All, tokens such as HUH are slowly chipping away at the myths and beliefs that a lot of investors have about the meme crypto industry.

Follow HUH Token on their Socials before they Launch:

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