Shadow Cabinet supports Lee’s statement on Indian politicians

Shadow Cabinet supports Lee’s statement on Indian politicians


Translated by Mugdha Dubey, originally published on Newsgram Hindi.

Recently, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsein Loong's statement has come to light, to which Indian government has raised objection. Government of India has criticized Lee's statement, here are the details of the event.

While discussing how a democracy should function in a city or state Singapore PM talked about Former Prime Minister of India Jawahar Lal Nehru and said according to media reports, there are several Parliamentarians who are booked under murder and rape charges. Indian government immediately objected this statement.

I'd like to tell you Shadow Cabinet India supports Lee's statements. Based on facts, what Lee about the Parliamentarians was not incorrect. When a nation achieves greatly, it is backed by selfless deeds of great people. It is backed by the people with struggles but commitment and dedication towards nation building. Such examples from our history are- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. Though what's to be understood now is such dedication is fading. Lee's statement has reminded us how we should protect the things we have inherited as our legacy.

Shadow Cabinet India wants to convey to government of India that what Lee has said is not wrong, in fact, he has encouraged us to return to the principles and thinking followed by our great people from history, which in time are fading.

Instead of criticizing what Lee has said, we should take necessary steps to correct our system. Our political system is disheveled, honestly. Political parties have become groups which only encourage corruption, black-market and donation theft. And since last few years, what has greatly contributed to corruption is Electoral Bonds. Due to these bonds only, the sanctity of Parliament which is considered equivalent to a Temple is being tarnished.

According to a report, BJP's 35% and Congress's 57% has Lok Sabha members against which criminal cases are registered. Situation is at such a low point that even after repeated orders of Supreme Court, political parties are not refraining from giving tickets to such crime-ridden politicians. India has ranked 85th in Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2021, out of 180 countries. According to a report by ADR, 363 parliamentarians and Legislative Assembly members are facing charges. In 2019 as well, ADR had analyzed affidavit of 539 parliamentarians, out of which 233 were found to be charged with some criminal offence.

This is the situation of servants of our country, who themselves are laced by crimes. One can anticipate the deteriorating conditions that even what Supreme Court says, is not implemented. Shadow Cabinet wants to convey that what Lee has said is not incorrect, it is just the truth which has shook the parliamentarians.

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(Keywords: Shadow Cabinet, politicians, parliamentarians, political, parties, system, government)
