A unique feature of Indian culture is its self rejuvenating capacity. The qualities that are unique only to India are composed into an Ashtottaram, Gayatri Mantras and easy to sing folk song that can be sung by every Indian despite their age and social background.
VEDA BHUMI (Wikimedia Commons)

VEDA BHUMI (Wikimedia Commons)

By Dr. Devakinanda Pasupleti

Sanatana Dharma and Vedic culture are ancient and eternal. Just to give an example how India is one of the oldest civilizations, a coin of Siva (Hindu God and one of the Trinities) in a yoga posture with a bull behind Him was found to be 12, 540 years old and we can easily add 3,000 years to it, for Him to become a coin. By this account, at least 15,540 years documented history of Vedic civilization existed in India. The Vedic culture is neither dogmatic nor rigid. It tailors itself constantly to take the best of the modern, technological age without losing its roots. It is admired and respected all over the world for its beauty and depth of knowledge. Every Indian Vedic custom and tradition has either a scientific, logical, historical, social and, or spiritual significance. None of them are followed blindly including GOD's worship. It is 'a way of life' for every Indian and Hindu. The customs and traditions are enduring ones that have lasted the test of time and are an integral part of many an Indians have even today. There is great symbolism in Hindu Dharma (virtuous, moral code of conduct) in a manner that was logical, scientific and appealing to modern humans, thereby creating a magnificent cultural renaissance. Vedas (scriptures of spiritual knowledge) have global human relevance and includes every living being.

A unique feature of Indian culture is its self rejuvenating capacity. The qualities that are unique only to India are composed into an Ashtottaram, Gayatri Mantras and easy to sing folk song that can be sung by every Indian despite their age and social background. This can be used also during Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations.

Iti Vaidyasri Pasupuleti DevakinandaVithal Rāja viraċhitam 

                                                                      ‘Sri BhāratamātaAshtottaram.

इति वैद्यश्री-पसुपुलेटि -देवकिनन्द-विठल-राज-विरचितंम श्री-भारतमाताष्टोत्तरम् । 

ॐ शान्ति-शान्ति- शान्तिहि

