<div class="paragraphs"><p>Several types of gemstones exist. Though diamonds are among the first to come to mind and often considered the most valuable, they're accompanied by many other varieties. [Wikimedia]</p></div>

Several types of gemstones exist. Though diamonds are among the first to come to mind and often considered the most valuable, they're accompanied by many other varieties. [Wikimedia]




Unlock The Brilliance: Discover The Hidden Gems

NewsGram Desk

By: Isabella Thomas

Our planet is filled with pleasant surprises and hidden treasures. Which ones are the most valuable is largely a matter of opinion. After all, from some perspectives, the air held in place by the atmosphere and constantly regenerated by plants is a resource with unrivaled value. At the same time, some of the hydrogen and oxygen found in the air happen to combine in just the right way to create water that's so essential for life. Those are only a couple of the natural wonders we enjoy here on Earth.

Glittering Gems for All to Enjoy

Gemstones are also among the many treasures available to us. They naturally form deep within the Earth over millions of years. From there, they gradually make their way closer to the surface where they're accessible. They're beautiful even in their natural forms, exhibiting an array of sparkling colors. When placed in the hands of a diamond jeweler with the right skills and experience, they become even more brilliant. 

Exploring Different Types of Gemstones

Several types of gemstones exist. Though diamonds are among the first to come to mind and often considered the most valuable, they're accompanied by many other varieties. Each one is formed from various natural substances over millions of years via heat and pressure. Those processes combined with their varied chemical compositions are responsible for their hardness, diverse colors, and other qualities. 

Some of the most common gemstones are rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. Topaz, aquamarine, onyx, tanzanite, amethyst, and garnet are a few additional popular varieties. Some of these are considered precious stones whereas others have been deemed semi-precious. Their classification, rarity, and popularity contribute to their monetary values. 

Symbolism in Gemstones

Gemstones have varying symbolism as well. The emotions and concepts they represent come from various cultural beliefs and other factors. For example, diamonds often represent love, while amethyst is associated with healing powers. According to some, the onyx represents strength and protection though some cultures associate it with danger and misfortune. Topaz can symbolize wealth, trust, loyalty, and affection. Those are only a few possible interpretations of different gemstones. 

From Pretty to Stunning

As alluded to earlier, gemstones in their raw form bear little resemblance to the cut, polished, and otherwise refined versions seen in jewelry. These stones are categorized according to size and weight. Their color also factors into the equation.

Though most gems are associated with a specific hue, many come in a variety of colors and shades. Diamonds are commonly clear or white, but they can also range from red and pink to blue, brown, and black. Most people think of sapphires as blue, but they're also available in pink, yellow, purple, and versions that actually change color depending on the type of light they're exposed to.

Clarity and cut enter the mix as well. Clarity refers to the blemishes gems contain or the lack thereof. Cut refers to the shape jewelers give the stones and the facets they create in the process. This determines how a stone refracts light and how brilliant it appears. Two stones of identical size, weight, color, and clarity can appear very different depending on how they're cut. Round, cushion, oval, princess, brilliant, radiant, and marquise are a few of the more popular cuts. 

Unearthing the World of Gemstones

Earth offers numerous treasures for us to take advantage of. Gemstones are arguably some of the most beautiful and certainly among the most diverse. They come in several types, colors, and other variations. Skilled craftspeople can take those differences to entirely new heights, giving gemstones varying levels of brilliance and altering their appearances in a range of ways.  [GP/JS]

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