
How to Quit Smoking with Quick and Effective Results? 12 Tips to Give You a Healthy Life Without Smoking!

NewsGram Desk

Smoking does kill you from within and lowers your stability and productivity. It leads to chronic and deadly diseases which will keep you frustrated all the while. Now that you are already aware of smoking cessation, are you trying to quit smoking since days but to no avail? Not sure how to effectively quit smoking cigarettes?

You must give a try to the following tips to quit smoking and enjoy a healthy and smoke-free life without nicotine.

Make an honest list of things about your likes and dislikes about smoking

Make a list about likes and dislikes of smoking. Pixabay.

Take a paper and jot down the points of your likes and dislikes about smoking both on either sides of the page. Ponder over your list and make necessary changes. If possible, try to get feedback from your family or friends to know their opinion about smoking. Make a list of how smoking interferes with your daily life. When the negative side seems to escalate the positive side, you know that you need to quit smoking right now.

Write down all your reasons for quitting

Well, you already know who are your precious ones that you don't want to give over smoking. Your wife, husband, daughter, son, parents, …are the ones who had love to see you quit smoking without being selfish.

Prepare a list of why quitting won't be easy

Be strict with yourself when it comes to quit smoking. Make a list of immediate and broad reasons of difficulty that can arise in your way to quit smoking. Write your reason of difficulty along with an alternate solution to overcome it. Stress more on the possible alternatives that you can take to pass that unhealthy habit.

Fix up a quit date

Fix up a date to quit smoking. Pixabay.

Set up a dateline to quit smoking on that specific day. Include a witness who pushes you to quit smoking, to sign in along with you.

Stop buying cartons of cigarettes

Try to buy only a packet at a time and carry the least in your pocket. So for the next time, when you had the urge to smoke, you wont have one handy. This will decrease your urge into continuous smoking.

Prepare a list of things to do when a craving hits

Include activities which you can do very easily at any moment. Some of them to add in your list: take a nap, take a short walk, drink water, kiss your partner or child, involve in outdoor sport or with your pet, wash the car, have sex, chew a piece of gum, wash your face, brush your teeth, make a cup of coffee or tea, practice your deep breathing. Make multiple copies of the list and keep updating on the one that you carry all the while in the process to quit smoking.

Collect all the money you're saving on cigarettes in a large glass jar

Collect money in a jar that you would have spent on smoking. Pixabay.

Get to know the amount that you had been spending on smoking and that if you quit smoking, this money could help you travel all your dreams. You had go on a vacation as an incentive to yourself or maybe spend lavishly at a five star rated restaurant that you thought you could never afford.

Find a healthy snack food or Switch to herbal tea

While you quit smoking, drink herbal tea. Pixabay.

Quit smoking by having a healthy diet. Add nutrient-rich food that will stop your craving for smoking. Drink herbal tea whenever necessary, it will reduce your stress level and work in the same way smoking relieved you. If you are worried about weight gain, eat sunflower seeds, sugar-free lollipops, or gum, or carrot or nuts.

Post your list in a visible location in your house

Quit smoking by putting down the list infront of you. Pixabay.

Whenever you feel tempted to light up a cigarette, take a look at your list stating all the ways smoking can and affect and damage your health:
• Increases risk of bladder, pancreatic, lung, mouth, and other cancers, including leukemia

• Increases risk of diabetes

  • Increases heart diseases, Alzheimer's disease and high blood pressure

• Leads to depression, anger, Affects mental capacity and memory

• Contributes to thin bones and reduces fertility

• Affects ability to smell and taste

• May harm the premature babies by resulting in low-birth-weight.

To minimize cravings, change your routine for good

Whenever the urge deepens, you need to sit back and breathe for a moment. Change your daily timings when you were supposed to smoke. Alter this list and write down the things you'd like to include in your healthy life and quit smoking.

Inform your Dear ones: Family, friends, Colleagues about how you feel to quit smoking

Inform your friends about your decision to quit smoking. Pixabay.

Don't hesitate to share your feelings about your decision to quit smoking. Just open up with the ones who would be proud to hear about your attempts to quit smoking. If you're having mood swings of emotions with anger and patience mixed up, try to accept what improvements are still required to be covered.

If you miss out and skip, just start over again

It's just this simple. Maybe you could have failed, but there's always an end to an unhealthy way of life if you try. Get yourself succesful this time to quit smoking and prove wrong to the opposed around you.

-Prepared by Bhavana Rathi of NewsGram. Twitter @tweet_bhavana

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