
How travelling helps in transforming our lives?

NewsGram Desk

While we all recognize the need of incorporating health into all element of our lives, the sheer speed and situation of our lives tend to pull us away from our goals; arranging a wellness vacation or even adhering to wellness travel can undoubtedly improve lifestyles. Sharmilee Agrawal Kapur, Founder and Pranic Healer of Atmantan Wellness Centre, discusses the following topics:


The purest form of a me-holiday is when you put yourself first, which is precisely what a health retreat entails. True healthiness is the union of the soul (Atma), mind (mana), and body (tann), which can be sought independently. Wellness travel becomes a source of healthy enjoyment as you de-stress, revitalize, and mend.

Nature is a healer

Nature and all of its God-given components have the ability to heal. Today, a health resort with lots of sunlight, greenery, fresh air, and water will cure you as you drink in its living prana (Life-giving force). Detoxification, chakra alignment, and re-alignment with the energy of the planet are all possible with this transmission of healing energy. From the inside out, you've been improved.

Health resort with lots of sunlight, greenery, fresh air, and water will cure you as you drink in its living prana | Wikimedia Common

Working on the subconscious mind consciously

The greatest game-changer of the twenty-first century is mental health. This component of health determines who we are at our core, although it isn't often a top priority. When we go on a wellness retreat, however, our mental health receives the exact care and attention it requires and deserves. This is a technique to bring healing practices back into everyday life while re-balancing the mind and inner self.

Habits are formed through actions

We all want to develop good health habits, and the best way to do so is to go on wellness vacations. This is where you get the best endorphin and dopamine surge while also resetting your circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). And it's all while you're working towards a healthier self! Starting a habit requires doing the same thing every day; a perfect health vacation entails enjoying the good life every day. Wellness travel is either the beginning or end of the process of developing life-changing habits.

Health is actually riches

The truth is that lifestyle illnesses are mostly an issue of the wealthy. When we realize that health is genuinely wealth, we simply become smarter people. Wellness travel is a top trend in travel since affluence should be enhancing our health rather than jeopardizing it. I'm happy to report that most of the folks I know schedule 2-3 wellness vacations per year as a personal commitment to their health.


(Keywords: Travelling, De-stress and Transform, Health is actually riches, Habits are formed through actions, sleep-wake cycle, Life-giving force)

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