India stands at 122nd rank in the World Happiness Report

India stands at 122nd rank in the World Happiness Report

New Delhi, March 21, 2017: The feeling of happiness is subjective in nature. It surges from too many experiences which one couldn't even count, but one organization, Sustainable Development Growth Solution Network is compiling and publishing the report card of happiness of hundreds of countries for last five years, where this year, India stands at 122nd rank.

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India positioned 122nd, behind Pakistan and Nepal in the worldwide rundown of the most joyful nations, as indicated by a worldwide report published on Monday.

In this year's report, India slips four ranks down to the previous report where it held 118th rank. The report was released on Monday at the United Nations at an event celebrating International Day of happiness.

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India was behind the majority of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations, apart from war-ravaged Afghanistan, that stood at 141, reported Hindustan Times.

Among the eight Saarc nations, Pakistan was at 80th position, Nepal stood at 99, Bhutan at 97, Bangladesh at 110 while Sri Lanka was at 120. However, Maldives did not figure in the World Happiness Report.

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Standing at rank 1st, Denmark found its place in the report as the happiest country in the world. While the least happy country according to the report is Central African Republic ranking at the last place of 155th.

The algorithm of indexing the happiness of the countries combine economic, health and polling data, compiled by economists that are averaged over three years from 2014 to 2016.
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The study of happiness may seem whimsical to many, but people dedicated in this field, researchers, and academicians are trying hard to shift the focus of world towards the emotional well-being of people. In the US in 2013, the National Academy of Sciences issued a report recommending that federal statistics and surveys, which normally deal with income, spending, health and housing, include a few extra questions on happiness because it would lead to better policy that affects people's lives.

According to the report, all the top ten rank holders-

  1. Norway

2. Denmark

3. Iceland

4. Switzerland

5. Finland

6. Netherlands

7. Canada

8. New Zealand

9. Australia

10. Sweden

are wealthy and developed nations, yet, when the research happened, the money factor came at the top of the priorities which lead to the state of happiness, the report said.

Truth be told, among the wealthier nations, the distinctions in happiness levels had a considerable measure to do with "differences in mental health, physical health and personal relationships: the biggest single source of misery is mental illness," the report said.

"Income differences matter more in poorer countries, but even their mental illness is a major source of misery," it added.

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Another major country, China, has made major economic strides in recent years. But its people are not happier than 25 years ago, it found.

The United States meanwhile slipped to the number 14 spot due to less social support and greater corruption; those very factors play into why Nordic countries fare better on this scale of smiles.

"What works in the Nordic countries is a sense of community and understanding in the common good," said Meik Wiking, chief executive officer of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, who wasn't part of the global scientific study that came out with the rankings.

The rankings are based on gross domestic product per person, healthy life expectancy with four factors from global surveys. In those surveys, people give scores from 1 to 10 on how much social support they feel they have if something goes wrong, their freedom to make their own life choices, their sense of how corrupt their society is and how generous they are.

-prepared by Ashish Srivastava of NewsGram Twitter @PhulRetard
