Can Astrology Be Able To Predict Death?

Can Astrology Be Able To Predict Death?

A lot of us use astrology to make predictions in our lives – often to great effect. Astrology has been used time and again as an excellent way to make predictions to improve our lives. So keeping that in mind can we use astrology to make the greatest prediction of all, when we are going to die?

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Astrology indicates when an intense or transformational experience occurs. Death is a rare thing in astrology, which is highly difficult to predict. Based on the planet position, Dasha, and Sub-Dasha period, one can tell that death may occur.

In astrology, there is no short-cut way to predict someone's death. There are several factors and combinations that could result in death. Also, the exact time of death cannot be predicted accurately. However, there are more than just one planet that brings this bad omen. If we are to use astrology to predict one's death then we need to look at the positions of every planet in conjunction with the sun in our natal chart along with the Dasha system.

Planets that help us Predict How One Can Die

We get planetary alignments, several times in our lives, which might result in death. However, if one is to die or not depends on several factors, all of which cannot be explained in an astrological chart.

1. Shani – Saturn

Saturn is known as the father of Time as it governs things likely to happen in our lives. Saturn is responsible for things to begin and end for us, that does not mean, this planet will tell us when we are going to die by itself. It usually signals the death of things such as relationships, employment, or even point out to spiritual death.

Saturn is known as the father of Time as it governs things likely to happen in our lives. Saturn is responsible for things to begin and end for us, that does not mean, this planet will tell us when we are going to die by itself. Pixabay

2. Aruna or Indra Chakra – Uranus

The planet Uranus in many ways is the opposite of that of Saturn and it heralds sudden events or in this case, it can indicate sudden death. Uranus is a planet that associates with strange and unexpected situations.

3. Varuna – Neptune

Neptune rules water-related issues so it relates to our demise to the point of drowning, also having an accident in the water. People who have Neptune in their charts, their death may die in a way that is unexplained or death may happen while sleeping.

4. Yama – Pluto

The planet Pluto is linked to violent death and often one which features some kind of serious trauma. An example of this could be a sudden aneurysm that kills the person instantly or an accident which results in a huge injury.

5. Mangal – Mars

Mars is linked to a violent death. One can consider scenarios like fire guns and knives so it can mean that death will come as a result of a shooting, stabbing, or fire. Whatever the form it takes it is usually traumatic and sudden. Death as a result of a Mars aspect is swift.

Mars is linked to a violent death. One can consider scenarios like fire guns and knives so it can mean that death will come as a result of a shooting, stabbing, or fire. Pixabay

6. Sukra – Venus

Dying in sleep or slipping away peacefully at the end of a long illness, can be attributed to Venus. If Venus eases the suffering at the time of death. In this way, death can also sometimes be looked in a positive manner for the one who is dying.

7. Brihaspati – Jupiter

Jupiter rules tumors so in this sense it is linked to cancer and death as a result of an incurable disease. This can be seen clearly if Jupiter has been activated as a result of transits in a natal chart.

8. Surya – Sun

It is in accordance with the actual position of the sun with other planets that help predict death. So the sun and its position are closely linked with how are we going to die.

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