Bhagavad Gita: Here is the Collection of Sanskrit Verses from Dhyana Yoga

Bhagavad Gita: Here is the Collection of Sanskrit Verses from Dhyana Yoga

The Yoga of Meditation uncovered by Krishna is arranged in sixth Chapter, Dhyana Yoga of Bhagavad Gita. Sri Krishna uncovers the Yoga of Meditation to Arjuna and He clarifies the methods. He discusses the role of activity in getting ready for Meditation, how performing responsibilities and duties in devotion purifies one's mind and uplifts one's spiritual cognizance.

Lord Krishna clarifies the impediments that one faces when they attempt to control their mind and working strategies by which one can overcome their mind. Likewise, Krishna also uncovers how one can concentrate their mind on Paramatma, so that they can unite with God.

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Here is the collection of Sanskrit Verses from Dhyana Yoga (Chapter 6) of Bhagavad Gita, provided with english translation-

योगी युञ्जीत सततमात्मानं रहसि स्थित: |
एकाकी यतचित्तात्मा निराशीरपरिग्रह: || 10||

yogī yuñjīta satatam ātmānaṁ rahasi sthitaḥ
ekākī yata-chittātmā nirāśhīr aparigrahaḥ

The individuals who look for the state of Yog ought to live in isolation, continually occupied with meditation with a controlled mind and body, disposing of wants and assets for pleasure.

तत्रैकाग्रं मन: कृत्वा यतचित्तेन्द्रियक्रिय: |
उपविश्यासने युञ्ज्याद्योगमात्मविशुद्धये || 12||
समं कायशिरोग्रीवं धारयन्नचलं स्थिर: |
सम्प्रेक्ष्य नासिकाग्रं स्वं दिशश्चानवलोकयन् || 13||

tatraikāgraṁ manaḥ kṛitvā yata-chittendriya-kriyaḥ
upaviśhyāsane yuñjyād yogam ātma-viśhuddhaye
samaṁ kāya-śhiro-grīvaṁ dhārayann achalaṁ sthiraḥ
samprekṣhya nāsikāgraṁ svaṁ diśhaśh chānavalokayan

Seated firmly on it, the yogi should strive to purify the mind by focusing it in meditation with one-pointed concentration, controlling all thoughts and activities. He must hold the body, neck, and head firmly in a straight line, and gaze at the tip of the nose, without allowing the eyes to wander as per an article on VedicFeed.

प्रशान्तात्मा विगतभीर्ब्रह्मचारिव्रते स्थित: |
मन: संयम्य मच्चित्तो युक्त आसीत मत्पर: || 14||

praśhāntātmā vigata-bhīr brahmachāri-vrate sthitaḥ
manaḥ sanyamya mach-chitto yukta āsīta mat-paraḥ

Along these lines, with a quiet, peaceful, fearless, bold, and unfaltering mind, and staunch in the vow of celibacy, the cautious yogi ought to meditate on me, having only me as the preeminent objective.

युञ्जन्नेवं सदात्मानं योगी नियतमानस: |
शान्तिं निर्वाणपरमां मत्संस्थामधिगच्छति || 15||

yuñjann evaṁ sadātmānaṁ yogī niyata-mānasaḥ
śhantiṁ nirvāṇa-paramāṁ mat-sansthām adhigachchhati

In this way, continually keeping the mind retained in me, the yogi of controlled mind achieves nirvāṇ, and lives in me in supreme harmony.

यदा विनियतं चित्तमात्मन्येवावतिष्ठते |
नि:स्पृह: सर्वकामेभ्यो युक्त इत्युच्यते तदा || 18||

yadā viniyataṁ chittam ātmanyevāvatiṣhṭhate
niḥspṛihaḥ sarva-kāmebhyo yukta ityuchyate tadā

With careful control, Yogis figure out how to pull back the mind from narrow minded longings and bolt it on the unparalleled great of oneself. Pixabay

With careful control, they figure out how to pull back the mind from narrow minded longings and bolt it on the unparalleled great of oneself. Such people are said to be in Yoga and are liberated from all longing of the senses.

यथा दीपो निवातस्थो नेङ्गते सोपमा स्मृता |
योगिनो यतचित्तस्य युञ्जतो योगमात्मन: || 19||

yathā dīpo nivāta-stho neṅgate sopamā smṛitā
yogino yata-chittasya yuñjato yogam ātmanaḥ

As the light of a lamp in a windless spot doesn't flicker, similarly the trained brain of a yogi stays consistent in meditation on oneself.

यत्रोपरमते चित्तं निरुद्धं योगसेवया |
यत्र चैवात्मनात्मानं पश्यन्नात्मनि तुष्यति || 20||

yatroparamate chittaṁ niruddhaṁ yoga-sevayā
yatra chaivātmanātmānaṁ paśhyann ātmani tuṣhyati

At the point when the mind, limited from material exercises, turns out to be still by the act of Yoga, at that point the yogi can observe the spirit through the cleaned and purified mind, and he celebrates in the internal satisfaction.

सुखमात्यन्तिकं यत्तद्बुद्धिग्राह्यमतीन्द्रियम् |
वेत्ति यत्र न चैवायं स्थितश्चलति तत्वत: || 21||

sukham ātyantikaṁ yat tad buddhi-grāhyam atīndriyam
vetti yatra na chaivāyaṁ sthitaśh chalati tattvataḥ

In that cheerful state of Yoga, known as samādhi, one encounters preeminent limitless divine bliss, and therefore arranged, one never deviates from the Eternal Truth.

यं लब्ध्वा चापरं लाभं मन्यते नाधिकं तत: |
यस्मिन्स्थितो न दु:खेन गुरुणापि विचाल्यते || 22||

yaṁ labdhvā chāparaṁ lābhaṁ manyate nādhikaṁ tataḥ
yasmin sthito na duḥkhena guruṇāpi vichālyate

Having picked up that state, one doesn't believe any accomplishment to be more noteworthy. Being thus established, one isn't shaken even amidst the greatest catastrophe.

तं विद्याद् दु:खसंयोगवियोगं योगसञ्ज्ञितम् |
स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगोऽनिर्विण्णचेतसा || 23||

taṁ vidyād duḥkha-sanyoga-viyogaṁ yogasaṅjñitam
sa niśhchayena yoktavyo yogo 'nirviṇṇa-chetasā

That state of severance from union with misery is known as Yoga. Pixabay

That state of severance from union with misery is known as Yoga. This Yoga should be resolutely practiced with determination free from pessimism.

सङ्कल्पप्रभवान्कामांस्त्यक्त्वा सर्वानशेषत: |
मनसैवेन्द्रियग्रामं विनियम्य समन्तत: || 24||
शनै: शनैरुपरमेद्बुद्ध्या धृतिगृहीतया |
आत्मसंस्थं मन: कृत्वा न किञ्चिदपि चिन्तयेत् || 25||

saṅkalpa-prabhavān kāmāns tyaktvā sarvān aśheṣhataḥ
manasaivendriya-grāmaṁ viniyamya samantataḥ
śhanaiḥ śhanair uparamed buddhyā dhṛiti-gṛihītayā
ātma-sansthaṁ manaḥ kṛitvā na kiñchid api chintayet

Totally denying all wants emerging from contemplations of the world, one ought to limit the senses from all sides with the mind. Gradually and consistently, with conviction in the brain, the mind will get fixed in God alone and will consider nothing else.

यतो यतो निश्चरति मनश्चञ्चलमस्थिरम् |
ततस्ततो नियम्यैतदात्मन्येव वशं नयेत् || 26||

yato yato niśhcharati manaśh chañchalam asthiram
tatas tato niyamyaitad ātmanyeva vaśhaṁ nayet

At whatever point and any place the fretful and shaky mind meanders, one ought to bring it back and persistently center it around God.

प्रशान्तमनसं ह्येनं योगिनं सुखमुत्तमम् |
उपैति शान्तरजसं ब्रह्मभूतमकल्मषम् || 27||

praśhānta-manasaṁ hyenaṁ yoginaṁ sukham uttamam
upaiti śhānta-rajasaṁ brahma-bhūtam akalmaṣham

Extraordinary supernatural satisfaction and happiness comes to the yogi whose mind is calm, whose interests are stifled, who is without sin, and who sees everything regarding God.

युञ्जन्नेवं सदात्मानं योगी विगतकल्मष: |
सुखेन ब्रह्मसंस्पर्शमत्यन्तं सुखमश्नुते || 28||

yuñjann evaṁ sadātmānaṁ yogī vigata-kalmaṣhaḥ
sukhena brahma-sansparśham atyantaṁ sukham aśhnute

The self-controlled yogi, unites self with God and turns out to be liberated from material contamination. Pixabay

The self-controlled yogi, in this manner joining the self with God, turns out to be liberated from material contamination, and being in steady and constant touch with the Supreme, accomplishes the most elevated condition of flawless bliss.

चञ्चलं हि मन: कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढम् |
तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम् || 34||

chañchalaṁ hi manaḥ kṛiṣhṇa pramāthi balavad dṛiḍham
tasyāhaṁ nigrahaṁ manye vāyor iva su-duṣhkaram

The mind is very restless, turbulent, strong and obstinate, O Krishna. It appears to me that it is more difficult to control than the wind. – Says Arjuna

असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् |
अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते || 35||

asanśhayaṁ mahā-bāho mano durnigrahaṁ chalam
abhyāsena tu kaunteya vairāgyeṇa cha gṛihyate

Lord Krishna stated: O mighty-armed child of Kunti, what you state is right; the mind is hard to limit, without a doubt. Be that as it may, by training and separation, it very well may be controlled.

असंयतात्मना योगो दुष्प्राप इति मे मति: |
वश्यात्मना तु यतता शक्योऽवाप्तुमुपायत: || 36||

asaṅyatātmanā yogo duṣhprāpa iti me matiḥ
vaśhyātmanā tu yatatā śhakyo 'vāptum upāyataḥ

Yoga is hard to achieve for one whose mind is unbridled. In any case, the individuals who have figured out how to control the brain, and who endeavor truly by the correct methods, can accomplish flawlessness in Yoga. This is my opinion.

पूर्वाभ्यासेन तेनैव ह्रियते ह्यवशोऽपि स: |
जिज्ञासुरपि योगस्य शब्दब्रह्मातिवर्तते || 44||

pūrvābhyāsena tenaiva hriyate hyavaśho 'pi saḥ
jijñāsur api yogasya śhabda-brahmātivartate

To be sure, they feel drawn toward God, even without wanting to, on the quality of their past control. Such seekers normally ascend over the ritualistic principles of the scriptures.

प्रयत्नाद्यतमानस्तु योगी संशुद्धकिल्बिष: |
अनेकजन्मसंसिद्धस्ततो याति परां गतिम् || 45||

prayatnād yatamānas tu yogī sanśhuddha-kilbiṣhaḥ
aneka-janma-sansiddhas tato yāti parāṁ gatim

With the aggregated benefits of numerous past births, when these yogis participate in earnest undertaking in gaining further progress, they become cleansed from material wants and accomplish flawlessness in this life itself.

योगिनामपि सर्वेषां मद्गतेनान्तरात्मना |
श्रद्धावान्भजते यो मां स मे युक्ततमो मत: || 47||

yoginām api sarveṣhāṁ mad-gatenāntar-ātmanā
śhraddhāvān bhajate yo māṁ sa me yuktatamo mataḥ

Of all yogis, those whose minds are always absorbed in me, and who engage in devotion to me with great faith, them I consider to be the highest of all.
