Mobility in Business: How to Make the Most of it

Mobility in Business: How to Make the Most of it

Technology and digital devices have swiftly entered our day to day lives, impacting every single action and decision. Without a doubt, technology has made our lives easier. Ever since technology became more accessible, its importance in businesses is also significantly increased. Earlier, technology was largely limited to the use of knowledge workers, was particularly heavy and immobile, and was operational only within the office or business perimeters. Today, digital mobility is an incremental part of organizational growth, be it for any industry vertical and every employee- a knowledge worker or a frontline employee makes use of at least one digital device for accomplishing work.

The mobility exercise can be extremely rewarding if done right. Unfortunately, it is not that straightforward. Mobility in business doesn't simply involve giving mobile devices to your employees to work or deploying mobile devices at strategic positions in customer-facing businesses. Let's learn how to make the most of it:

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Have a mobility strategy

Nothing beats this- having a mobility strategy can not only help in identifying the number of devices that you need to procure for the business but can also help in optimizing the purchase according to the requirements-which OS is needed? What is the ideal device type? The next advantage of having a mobility strategy is that you can understand the various modes of management of these devices- will your IT have full control? Will your employees be able to use the device for personal work? Will the personal devices of your employees be allowed to be used for work? This is especially necessary if your workforce is diverse, your offices are spread across multiple locations and you plan to have a large device inventory deployed.

A mobile device management software is critical to business mobility but is pointless without a mobility strategy. Having a mobility strategy can help in grasping the scope of your mobility exercise and mitigating the challenges surrounding the same before the mobile devices are set in motion.

Having a mobility strategy can help in grasping the scope of your mobility exercise. Unsplash

Make way for remote working

Like it or not, remote working is here to stay. The proliferation of millennials in the workforce had already created the need to offer flexibility and location independence while working. While several organizations were considering it as a perk or a reward, most organizations were shying away from the concept of mobility and remote working. But the post-pandemic world is heavily mobility driven and everything-remote is a necessity.

When planning for business mobility, of course, choose devices that are 'mobile' but also factor in the challenges of remote working- from remote access to remote troubleshooting. Consider the remote working requirements such as devices connecting to unknown networks, accessing business resources from remote locations, and employees using their favorite devices for work alternatively to accomplish quick tasks such as sending out emails.

The proliferation of millennials in the workforce had already created the need to offer flexibility and location independence while working. Unsplash

Don't ignore automation

When a large device inventory is in play, the IT teams are overburdened with the device management tasks- right from provisioning to deploying, location tracking to the security of data and devices. Introducing automation to provision the devices with OOB (out of the box enrollment), zero-touch deployment is the first step to simplify IT tasks. Making use of a mobile device management tool to track location, enforcing security policies and access control, and automating checks for security and compliance can not only lighten the IT responsibilities but also ensure that your mobility works for your business.

Closing lines…

When mobility is coupled with the right device management tools, it can be extremely beneficial to drive your businesses in the right direction.

Author Bio

Renuka Shahane

Renuka Shahane is a Sr. Content Writer at Scalefusion -a leading Mobile Device Management solution. An engineering graduate, an Apple junkie and an avid reader, she has 5+ years of experience in content creation, content strategy and PR for technology and web-based startups. Renuka is keen in learning new trends surrounding cybersecurity, repercussions of remote working and the evolution of enterprise mobility.

(Disclaimer: The article is sponsored, and hence promotes some commercial links.)

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