Preparing to Close Up for the Fall and Winter: Tips for Protecting Your Backyard

Preparing to Close Up for the Fall and Winter: Tips for Protecting Your Backyard

As the summer is coming to a close for many people, the nice weather starts to slowly leave and make way for fall and winter. The fall months offer something for everyone, and no one can deny that crisp fall air, football season, and sweater weather isn't something to look forward to. The problem with fall means changing our routine up. Gone will be the days of shorts and shirts, sun tanning, and relaxing without a care in the world. Raking leaves and colder days are ahead, which means protecting your backyard.

The onslaught of fallen leaves is a hassle, as you probably know, so it's best to start getting ready to close up and start putting things away. This signifies that those carefree lounging days won't be back for another year, but it also gives you time to get ready and keep everything closed up. The fall also means colder weather and rain, so you want to ensure anything in your backyard won't be susceptible to the weather changes. Check out these tips for preparing your backyard for fall and winter.

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Covering your patio

Your patio is where you spend most of your time relaxing in the backyard, so you want to treat it with respect by keeping it safe during fall and winter. One of the best ways to do this is by covering it. The home experts at Royal covers highlight the usefulness of an overhead patio cover, which is great for summer months. Even in warmer climates where fall and winter aren't as bad, they can keep you protected from the elements. They are useful for outdoor fire pits, chimineas, or standing patio heaters, especially if they are open slit designs. The best part is that they help reduce the amount of snow and leaves that end up on your patio, which is less work for you.

As the fall and winter approaches, you need to start putting away appliances like barbecues. Unsplash

Putting away tools and appliances

Anything stainless steel shouldn't be left out in the colder months. As the fall and winter approaches, you need to start putting away appliances like barbecues, or at least throw a cover on to prevent rusting. Similarly, any tools left out need to be put inside your shed or at least covered. The worst thing that can happen to electrical power tools is letting them get wet. Remember to empty any fuel from your lawn mower or weed whacker, too. Even just the cold is bad for them and can do some damage to the internal mechanics. If you don't have any space in a garage or tool shed, then tarp is a good makeshift protective measure for your tools and appliances. Any yard lights should be taken in, too, because the moisture or pressure from the snow can damage them and make them unusable.

Covering the pool

One of the biggest things to get ready for when it comes to closing up your backyard and getting ready for the winter is closing up your pool. The pool isn't meant for the fall and winter climate (unless you live in say, Arizona or California), so it has to be carefully maintained. The problem with leaves in the pool, aside from being an awful chore to clean out, is they can get stuck in your filter and clog it up, which will take some work to clear out. The chemical balance of your pool will be sent out of whack by too much rainwater or snow, so it needs to be covered properly. If you have a detached heater or filtration system, you should cover this as well to protect it from the elements. All in all, the pool is one thing that absolutely must be covered and closed up, before the cold and climate of the latter half of the year sets in.

The pool isn't meant for the fall and winter climate, so it has to be carefully maintained. Unsplash

Closing your garden

Gardeners hate late fall and winter because it means no more gardening for another season. Many vegetable and plant crops can actually be left for a few weeks in the cold, like potatoes, but most need to be dug and stored once freezing hits. The cold soil can give a better taste for some of your leafy greens, but that doesn't mean you can leave them out forever. Find potters you can use indoors or harvest any vegetables for eating once the cold hits. You should remove all of your weeds and compost them before freezing point hits, and you're unable to get to them until next spring. You should also make sure any containers have been emptied, so that they don't crack from the pressure of the weight and cold or from freezing moisture.

Repair any problems with fencing or stone work.

The overload of rain or snow can dislodge or damage improperly installed stonework in your landscaping or fencing. Making sure you get these jobs done before winter hits is important because the snow has been known to cause structural issues and damage backyard projects. Fences can become a victim of this problem because they aren't the most sturdy objects, to begin with. Even beneath the surface lies an issue with permafrost or freezing soil that can mess with the integrity of the fence's structure. The stonework is less likely to be damaged, but as mentioned, if it's poorly installed or placed, they can allow moisture to seep into the cracks and cause shifting or imbalances that won't be noticeable until spring. If there are any problems with your fencing or landscaping work, get it done while it's still nice out.

Unfortunately, summer has to come to an end for those unlucky enough to be living somewhere with a true fall and winter. Even those in warm weather need to prepare for the coming change in the climate. The biggest thing to remember is closing up your backyard properly and winterizing it all if the weather is about to become a problem, and these tips will keep your backyard, your appliances and tools, and even your pool or garden protected before fall and winter hit.

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