Tech Wonder! TRAC Develops a Plant Growth Monitoring System

Tech Wonder! TRAC Develops a Plant Growth Monitoring System

The Telangana Remote Sensing Application Centre (TRAC) has developed a plant growth monitoring system.

The system was presented to Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar and other senior officials during a meeting on plantationS on Friday.

The system facilitates in identifying potential avenue, block and individual sites for plantations through high resolution satellite data. The TRAC has also created a portal through which potential plantation site information can be accessed through mobile. A dashboard containing total information about the plantation was also developed.

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The Chief Secretary congratulated the TRAC team headed by Srinivas Reddy for doing an excellent job and observed that this can usher in real change in the field. He observed that this system will be a game changer, is very timely and in sync with Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao's vision of making the state green.

The Telangana Remote Sensing Application Centre (TRAC) has developed a plant growth monitoring system. IANS

It would help the officials to focus on multi-layer avenue plantation, inch by inch plantation along the lakes, roads and scattered lands so as to ensure that no area is left vacant, he added.

Special Chief Secretary, Forest, Shanti Kumari, Principal Secretary, MA & UD, Arvind Kumar, Principal Secretary, IT, Jayesh Ranjan, Secretary, PR&RD, Sandeep Kumar Sultania, Principal Cchief Conservator of Forests, R. Sobha, Principal Secretary, Finance, Ronald Rose, and other officials attended the meeting. (IANS/KR)
