The Gaming Industry – India’s Strategy Forward

The Gaming Industry – India’s Strategy Forward

India's gaming industry is growing at a rapid pace, outstripping the average growth rate of the economy and helping to provide an increasing number of jobs. In 2016, India's gaming market was worth $290 million, but by the end of 2021, it's expected to surpass $1 billion. This growth has been helped by a userbase of more than 628 million Indian gamers, who now make up one of the largest gaming markets in the world.

As Indians are spending more on games, they're helping to build the Indian gaming market and increase demand for localized content from game developers. This increased demand is bringing more developers to India, helping create jobs in the country. The growing gaming market has also included Dreamz online casino sites and sports betting, which have seen growing numbers of Indian users. Provided these sites are legal and regulated, they can provide a lot of benefits to players and the market as a whole.

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Why Is the Indian Gaming Market Growing So Quickly?

There are lots of different reasons why the Indian gaming market has seen rapid growth over the past few years. The country itself is also seeing a growing economy, with more jobs and a higher number of people with disposable income. As around half of the population of India are 25 or below, a large number of those are drawn to online gaming, playing by themselves or with friends.

Other reasons for the rapid growth include:

  • Better access to smartphones and the internet – Most Indian gamers prefer to play games on mobile rather than on console or PC. This allows them to play wherever they want and is usually much cheaper than the alternatives. Smartphones are low cost, and it's expected there will be 859 million smartphone users in India by 2022, an 84% increase from 2017. On top of this, India has some of the best mobile data networks in the world, allowing players to enjoy online connected games through their smartphones.
  • Improved technology allowing for better games – The quality of games has improved dramatically over the past few years, with a growing number of different genres and better accessibility for all kinds of different gamers. Mobile games, in particular, have improved a lot as developers have started focusing more on this area.

The number of developers in India is growing, and this includes game developers too. Unsplash

  • More established freemium games – Freemium games allow players to enjoy the game for free, although they offer optional in-game purchases. Many freemium games, such as PUBG, are among the most popular games in India. Players appreciate the fact that they can download and try the game without paying anything, giving them the option to spend if they enjoy the game.
  • A strong IT sector – India has a very strong IT sector which is also experiencing its own boom. The number of developers in India is growing, and this includes game developers too. Many big mobile gaming studios are now based in India, and several of the world's biggest game developers have set up offices in the country.
  • Easy-to-use digital payment systems – Digital payment systems are now widely accepted across India, allowing players to easily pay for games and in-game items. It's predicted that there will be more than 300 million users of digital payment systems in India by 2022.

Indian gamers cover a wide range of demographics, including male and female, old and young. Popular games include action and adventure, but many Indian players also enjoy puzzle games and quizzes. Over the next few years, the number of gamers in India is likely to continue to grow and, with it, the gaming industry. As demand for Indian gaming content increases, more major developers are rushing to produce games for the Indian market. Many have also partnered with local developers to approach the Indian gaming market in the right way.

(Disclaimer: The article is sponsored and hence promotes some commercial links.)
