Psychological Benefits Of Paddle Boarding

Psychological Benefits Of Paddle Boarding
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By Kenneth Driscoll

How many of us are aware of our mental health? Or have we ever had a conversation with our friends or family on mental health issues? A survey states that an individual afflicted with mental health issues do not have even the slightest idea of his/ her state, they usually think they are doing well while at the same time the mental issue takes a toll on their lives. The reason is indecisiveness regarding whom to discuss or hesitation to talk about it. We never ask our loved ones how their mental health is doing? When we ask them how they are doing, we mostly mean their physical health, career, or life.

Whenever we suffer from headache, fever, or body aches we practically go to the chemist or doctor to buy medicine and treat it accordingly but have we ever visited a psychological expert whenever we feel stress, anxiety? No, right. It's a generalized perception that if we talk about the issues going inside our brain, we would be termed as mental by society, but that society won't be of any help when we take a step towards ending our lives.

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We usually start caring when a person leaves the world but that's not the correct procedure for dealing with psychological issues.


The world is going through the toughest phase, lakhs of people are lying over the hospital beds, streets. People are losing their loved ones and facing severe health issues. Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on the lives of individuals.

People are losing the sources of employment. It has entered our private spaces. Vaccines have been developed for improving the conditions and they are giving better results as well and for the people staying at home, various ayurvedic and homeopathic remedies can be tried and tested by homemade products. It's just the safety and preventive measures which can keep us away from the infection. This too shall pass!

This was about physical health which is deteriorating due to the virus but what about mental health? Lakhs of people lost their jobs, families, and suffered from the infection.

Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on the lives of individuals.

Those individuals and even everybody who are caged in their cocoons for a longer period, to be precise more than a year. Depression has turned out to be the huge side effect of the pandemic. People are ending their lives because they can't see the future, they don't know what to do, where to go after the pandemic. The highest level of mental health issues has erupted.

Earlier it was normal to go on vacations or to watch a movie, shopping whenever we used to feel stressed or depressed to rejuvenate our senses to begin afresh. This is not the case nowadays.

If we have to go outside, the social distancing norms have to be followed and it is not possible to stick to the norms in public places. So, the option left is either staying indoors or going outside and risking your life.

Both the ways it's detrimental to our physical as well as mental health. The question emerges: what's the remedy?


Every toxin has its antidote. The perfect therapy performed in isolation surrounding the alluring beauty of nature is paddle boarding. Paddle boarding might not relieve you from every issue surrounding your mental state but Paddle boarding is proven to keep you one stroke away from a depressive state of mind and what is the harm in trying your hand on something which shrinks your pain.

Survey findings suggest that there is a direct relationship between paddle boarding and a qualitative way of life and the state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your mind.

It is a fact that water can significantly increase or decrease mental confusions which help you stay healthy mentally. Staying around water relaxes your soul and soothes your mind.

Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on the lives of individuals.

It is an anti-stress and works as a stress reducer and the versatility of SUP offers you to practice multiple activities like yogic exercises which is a boon to the mental and physical health of an individual.

Mental well-being is paramount for a happy life. The best part of SUP is its accessibility to people of all age groups.


Nature has immense healing power. Whenever you are unable to find solutions to your queries, go to nature to soothe your senses.

What's more enticing than immersing yourself in the magical beauty of nature and gliding your way over crystal-clear water and under the sparkling rays of the sun?

SUP is known to promote mindfulness and mental well-being. The purity of being surrounded by fresh air, soulful voices of chirping birds, lush green trees, clear waters filters away all the stress overpowering your mind.

Mindfulness keeps you happy and productive and has tremendous power in improving mental well-being. Trying your hand at SUP yoga will give a boost to your psychological health and it is easy to learn paddleboarding. You don't have to be an expert at first, just a little bit of training sessions and you are perfect for your water journey.

Mindfulness keeps you happy and productive. Unsplash


Sunlight is beneficial for fighting depression which in turn results in enhancing focus and concentration. Our senses are activated by being present in nature. SUP is practiced on warm sunny days and exposes our bodies to intense sun rays.

If you want to practice something which unwinds you from negative energy and enhances focus and concentration then paddleboarding is your go-to thing. A situation where a person has trouble memorizing things and attaining focus and concentration which is known as cognitive impairment is believed to be eliminated due to paddleboarding.


In our daily routines, we tend to get stressed by one or the other reason, either it is work stress or family stress and eventually, it adds up to depression. Our skill-set tends to diminish slowly with loads of stress overpowering your mind. The fast pace of life has no signs of slowing down neither in the present nor in the future.

SUP is an effective remedy. Along with riding on paddle boards, you can practice advanced and basic meditation and yogic practices on the board. This can help you achieve fitness goals and relieve you from the negative effects of stress.

Being surrounded by the calmness and tranquillity of nature helps calm your senses and relieves the mind from stress and makes you fresh and rejuvenated for future chores.


The antidote to exhaustion isn't resting, it's nature. SUP connects you directly with nature. It offers an entirely new window into the world. The sedative nature of water and the beauty of nature makes a huge effect on the psychological well-being of human beings and you are guaranteed to get a solid workout.

The antidote to exhaustion isn't resting, it's nature. Unsplash

Being around nature helps in the reduction of anger, fear, and stress. Immersing yourself in nature develops an emotional connection inside you, and contributes to psychological and physical well-being. It is proven to reduce high blood pressure levels which tend to create stress in the mind.

Nature also has positive effects on children who suffer from attention deficit disorders and cognitive disorders and if your mood feels low, then paddle your way through the crystal clear waters and attain renaissance.


Choose SUP as the perfect recreational activity this summer season. Far away from all the stresses, delve into the magical beauty of nature where your only companion should be the paddleboard.

You can also take your pet along because there's no harm in carrying a pooch in your bag which will double your enjoyment.

Dealing with psychological stress is not a big deal if you know whom to talk to or what to do in the situation. If you are aware of the remedy, you can treat the problem easily.

While covid has prepared us for social distancing, SUP has come to the rescue which is a perfect package of stress relieving and refreshment activity.

It's a life-changing experience for all those who are ready to immerse themselves in the fascination of Mother earth. Mother earth has lots of love to offer if we treat her right. The reason behind the growing popularity of paddle boarding is its versatile nature which allows you to use it in any way. Either you make it a floating yoga mat, a prop for water sport, or a way to spend time with your little pooch; it's up to you to decide. Either way, it is perfect for the psychological health of an individual. Grab a paddleboard, find a water body and step into the water. You are just three steps away from perfect medication.

Look deep into nature and you will understand things better!

(Disclaimer: The article is sponsored and hence, promotes some commercial links.)
