How to prevent piles ?

Prevention advise for piles: People's lifestyles today have radically changed. their health is being impacted by the workload from the office to the home.
Women with Piles disease should strive to eat fiber-rich foods. such as lentils, barley sattu, bananas, papaya, and apple. [Wikimedia]

Women with Piles disease should strive to eat fiber-rich foods. such as lentils, barley sattu, bananas, papaya, and apple. [Wikimedia]


Prevention advise for piles: People's lifestyles today have radically changed. their health is being impacted by the workload from the office to the home. They consume unhealthy meals because they are constantly stressed. According to medical professionals, piles may result from a deteriorating lifestyle.

A recently released report indicates that there are more patients with piles these days. they are reluctant to visit the doctor because of this illness.

Tips specifically for women in order to prevent piles-

Piles disease has worsened women's health conditions. They have to take care of a few things in this disease in such a condition. Many women often find discomfort and embarrassed while discussing piles.

In this case, the medications are ineffective. If so, then here are some tips for them...

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Women with <a href="">Piles disease</a> should strive to eat fiber-rich foods. such as lentils, barley sattu, bananas, papaya, and apple. [Wikimedia]</p></div>
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- Women with Piles disease should strive to eat fiber-rich foods. such as lentils, barley sattu, bananas, papaya, and apple.

- Strive to consume 3 to 4 liters of water per day. 3. Every day for 30 minutes to keep fit

- Do exercise daily.

- Maintain cleanliness while using the loo.

- Don't use a phone in the bathroom

- Avoid red meat and non-vegetarian foods.

- Avoid consuming spicy foods.
