A Brief Insight into Image Annotation, its Challenges, and Benefits of Hiring Expert Annotators

Image annotation is the process of adding information to an image through labels. It is often used to train machine learning models, providing the model with the necessary data to recognize the objects in an image.
Image annotation. (Jeffrey Keith)

Image annotation. (Jeffrey Keith)

By Jeffrey Keith

Image annotation is the process of adding information to an image through labels. It is often used to train machine learning models, providing the model with the necessary data to recognize the objects in an image. The process of image annotation includes adding tags to the objects in an image outlining specific features, quite like how a human would visualize it.

This guide discusses everything you need to know about image annotation, including the steps involved in the process and the challenges businesses face while performing image annotation in-house. Further, we discuss the benefits of hiring professional image annotation service providers and things to consider before choosing a third-party agency to label images of your datasets.

The Image Annotation Process

The steps involved in image annotation may vary depending on the specific goals and needs of the project. However, here are some common steps involved in the image labeling process:

<div class="paragraphs"><p><em>Image annotation. (Jeffrey Keith)</em></p></div>
A step by step overview of how text annotation happens

Determine the project goals and requirements:

The first step includes determining the purpose and specific requirements of the image annotation project. This involves establishing the rules and guidelines for the annotation of the images. This may include the type of annotation needed (e.g., bounding boxes, polygonal segments, etc.), the class of objects, and any other relevant information.

Collect and organize images:

Gather the images that need to be annotated and organize them in a way that makes it easy to work with them. Many annotators prefer segregating images and classifying them into different categories before labeling them.

Annotate the images:

Use a tool or software to add labels or tags to the images identifying and classifying the various elements or features within the images.

Review and verify annotations:

Perform a quality check to ensure the annotations are accurate and complete and make necessary changes if required.

Finalize and export the annotated images:

Save the annotated images in a format that can be used for further analysis or processing.

The Challenges of Image Annotation

<div class="paragraphs"><p><em>The Challenges of Image Annotation. (Jeffrey Keith)</em></p></div>

The Challenges of Image Annotation. (Jeffrey Keith)


Depending on the complexity of the task and the number of labels required, it can take a significant amount of time to annotate a large dataset. This can be a bottleneck for organizations working on large-scale projects and need to annotate numerous images quickly.

Ensuring accuracy and consistency:

With image annotation, it is important to ensure that the tags applied to an image are accurate and consistent. This can be a difficult task when multiple people are involved in the annotation process, as there’s room for human error and inconsistency.


High costs:

Manually annotating images can be labor-intensive and expensive for organizations that need to annotate large datasets. This can be a significant barrier for small businesses that don’t have the funds to invest in expensive tools or hire skilled annotators.


Maintaining quality over time:

Image annotation is an ongoing process, and it is important to maintain the quality of the annotations over time. This can be difficult if the process is not well-organized and has no system to track the changes and update the labels.

Benefits of Hiring Experts for Image Annotation Services

As businesses and organizations continue to collect and use large amounts of visual data, the need for effective image annotation has become increasingly important. However, considering the high complexity of the process, many businesses struggle with resources to complete the task. Herein, image annotation services play a crucial role in helping businesses improve the accuracy and quality of their datasets on time.

Here’s more on how outsourcing image annotation services can benefit your business:

●       Save time and resources: Labeling images can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially if done manually. By outsourcing this task to a team of experts, organizations can free up their resources and focus on other areas of their business. This can be especially useful for organizations dealing with large datasets, as the annotation process can take up a significant amount of time.

●     Better accuracy and quality of data: Professional annotators have the knowledge and experience to accurately label and tag images. This ensures that the data used to train machine learning models is of the highest quality. This can be especially important in tasks like object detection, where even small errors in labeling can significantly impact the model's performance.

●     Reduce costs: Outsourcing image annotation services to a third-party provider can be more cost-effective than hiring and training a team of in-house annotators. This is especially true for organizations that don’t have a large budget or require image annotation services on a project-by-project basis.

●       Maintain consistency: When different people are responsible for annotating images, there’s a risk of inconsistency and errors due to different interpretations of labels. Hence, it's best to outsource image annotation services to ensure that your images are consistent and accurately labeled. This will reduce the risk of errors and improve the overall quality of the image annotation process.

Things to Consider Before Hiring Image Annotation Service Providers 

There are a few important aspects you should consider before hiring third-party annotators. Listed down are a few factors that you must take into account to ensure you get the best possible deal for your needs and budget.

●      Quality of work:

The quality of image annotation is of utmost importance. You want to ensure that the labels and annotations are accurate and consistent. Hence, before hiring a service, ask for samples of their work or request a trial run to see if their work meets your standards. 

●      Turnaround time:

Depending on your project, you may need your image annotation task completed within a specific timeframe. Hence, it is essential to discuss the turnaround time with your service provider and see if they can meet your deadlines.

●      Tools and technology :

Another important factor to consider is the tools and technologies that the company you are outsourcing to uses. Look for a company that uses state-of-the-art tools and techniques to ensure accurate and efficient annotation.

●      Expertise:

If your project requires specific knowledge or experience, it's important to find an image annotation company with expertise in that area. For instance, if you are working on a medical imaging project, find a service provider with experience annotating medical images.

●      Pricing:

Image annotation services can significantly vary in terms of cost. Therefore, make sure to get quotes from multiple service providers to ensure you’re getting the best value for money. Don’t just go with the cheapest option, but ensure that the cost balances the quality of work.

●      Flexibility:

Finally, consider the flexibility of the service. Image annotation requirements can change based on how a project moves in its development cycle. Ask your service provider if they can accommodate last-minute changes or urgent requests. Do they offer a range of annotation options to suit your specific needs? If not, consider looking for better options that can help you with specific requirements.



Effective annotation requires careful planning and attention to detail. Hence, it is important to thoroughly understand the image annotation process and establish clear guidelines to ensure consistent and accurate labeling. Herein, you can choose to outsource image annotation services to an experienced provider who can help you stay up to date with the latest developments in the field and improve the performance of your ML models.


Jeffrey Keith is a content strategist & a technology enthusiast working at SunTec.AI, a leading data annotation company. He has extensive experience writing about various transforming and advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. In his spare time, he loves to explore and learn about new tools and technologies shaping the various industries- data science, eCommerce, robotics, and healthcare, among others. He keeps himself updated on all the new trends, innovations, and advancements happening around AI/ML technologies and pens down her knowledge to present well-researched and informative articles to help businesses leverage these technologies for their advantage. Other than writing, he loves to read new books and travel in his free time.