Asscher cut diamonds reflect that level of dedication well. Asscher longed to upgrade the timeless emerald cut.
Asscher cut diamonds reflect that level of dedication well. Asscher longed to upgrade the timeless emerald cut.  

Asscher Cut Diamonds and Five-Star Craftsmanship

NewsGram Desk

By : Philipp Maur

Have you heard of Asscher cut diamonds? These enticing diamonds, in short, are relatives of the beloved emerald cut. They're in many ways the "step-cut" version of them. Asscher cut diamonds are also frequently known as "square cut diamonds." If you gaze at them from above, they look square in form. If you prefer square shapes over rectangular shapes, these diamonds may be the way to go for you. They encapsulate five-star craftsmanship and excellence in general.

Buy From Rare Carat Right Now

 Do you want to search for the best deals on Asscher cut diamonds? If you want to learn more about these incredible stones, you should visit the website for Rare Carat without thinking twice. is an acclaimed marketplace that prudently analyzes natural and laboratory-grown diamonds from all types of renowned sellers. If you're on the lookout for top-notch stones, free gemologist checks, matchless savings and incredible customer service, you should pick above all others. Rare Carat presents shoppers with many fantastic choices in Asscher cut diamonds and others.

The Unparalleled Craftsmanship of Asscher Cut Diamonds

Asscher cut diamonds, true to the name, were created by an individual called Joseph Asscher. He was a prominent gemstone cutter who created the cut back in 1902. His approach to craftsmanship was extremely meticulous and detail-oriented, and Asscher cut diamonds reflect that level of dedication well. Asscher longed to upgrade the timeless emerald cut. He wanted to upgrade the cut by boosting brilliance levels considerably. How exactly did he accomplish that lofty goal, anyway? He did so by introducing much bigger step facets to the equation, first of all. He did so by making the crown markedly higher. He even reduced the size of the table. The aim behind this was to enhance brilliance substantially.

No other diamond cut had earned a patent prior to the Asscher one, fascinatingly enough. The cut is in many ways a pioneer in the gemstone arena. What else basically confirms the superb craftsmanship of this cut? Members of Asscher's family were at the helm of the sole company that was permitted to create the cut after the end of World War II. Asscher cuts were particularly beloved among the general public in the Art Deco era. People at that time were particularly fond of angular lines and sleek geometric looks, after all. This fact explains the rather nostalgic and retro vibes that are commonly associated with Asscher cut diamonds in this day and age. Although these diamonds undoubtedly are retro in feel, they also seem undoubtedly refined and elegant.

Asscher cut diamonds quite unsurprisingly are linked to all sorts of positive points.

Why You Should Investigate Asscher Cut Diamond Craftsmanship Right Away

Asscher cut diamonds quite unsurprisingly are linked to all sorts of positive points. That's the reason so many gemstone aficionados are drawn to them year in and year out. These diamonds are ideal for individuals who appreciate emerald cut refinement. They, at the same time, are ideal for those who want to improve upon emerald cut sparkle levels.

Asscher cut diamonds possess distinctive facet patterns that are reminiscent of windmills. Different diamond cuts simply cannot hold a candle to them in the facet pattern department.

It can be extremely anxiety-inducing to wear a diamond ring that's vulnerable to breakage and damage overall. Fortunately for concerned diamond lovers, Asscher cut diamonds are nowhere close to being part of that category. They're equipped with a specific cut type that doesn't make them susceptible to unsightly and conspicuous damage. If you're searching for a diamond cut that's especially resilient and tough, you should study the Asscher cut world, pronto.

Asscher cut diamonds, finally, can be game changers for people who love to switch things up all the time. If you're far from predictable in your style choices, these diamonds may appeal to you greatly. Asscher cut diamonds work nicely in conjunction with the majority of settings out there. They work nicely in conjunction with the majority of metal hues and styles, too. If you want to invest in a breathtaking diamond that you can wear with confidence on a daily basis, Asscher cut diamonds may just strike your fancy. They appeal to all kinds of gem lovers everywhere.

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