
Voodoo Even in U.S.A?

NewsGram Desk

By Kashish Rai

Voodoo is a sensationalized pop-culture caricature of voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion that originated in Haiti, Western and Central Africa. Though, it's followers can be found in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, the United States of America and elsewhere.

This practice is a whole assortment of cultural elements: personal creeds and practices, including an elaborate system of folk medical practices; a system of ethics transmitted across generations including proverbs, stories, songs and folklore. This practice is more than a belief.

More so, this religious practice has always been misunderstood.

Listen to this priestess named Miriam Chamani having an experience of 30 years. She has her Voodoo temple in New Orleans where people can learn more about faith.

Watch Full Video Here:

Witness one of Miriam's sessions and the different ways she is helping her clients find their spiritual center.

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