
Know About Geotagging and How You Can Benefit From It

NewsGram Desk

By- Karen Anthony

Digital marketing has gained so much importance that every small and big business is using various means to appear on the first page of search engine results. But it's quite a challenge as the competition is too high. It's a Darwinian battle for the survival of the fittest. Search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, and Yahoo use different algorithms and processes to decide which website should be presented to searchers. And the parameters are continually changing. Often business personnel are busy looking after their business and thus, fail to notice that the SEO ranking of their website has hit the bottom low. They may remain unaware of the situation until they observe that they are not getting any calls from new customers or their sale has dropped drastically.

So, how to handle such a situation? The best option would be to hire a reputable SEO marketing expert. Another thing you can do is to upload new pictures related to your business on your website with important metadata, which we call geotagging information.

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Geotagging is the process by which the uploaders attach the precise global positioning data to an online image or a website. Website visitors do not get to see this information, but the search engines can process this data as they go through the web during a particular search operation. It helps to establish a connection between an image and the location it depicts, where you clicked it, when you clicked it, or deals with all of them. You can also mention the specific latitudes and longitudes if you want. For further information, see this page to geotag pictures.

Importance of geotagging

Geotagging has been around for over a decade. But its significance and potential are being realized now, and more people are using it to their advantage. When we, as customers, search for something through the search engines, they process our location and present the results based on it.

Geotagging is the process by which the uploaders attach the precise global positioning data to an online image or a website.Wikipedia

Moreover, often we include the names of the places that we feel would be convenient for us to access, or even just for the sake of the search, we mention the locale. If your website doesn't possess geotagging information, you will not be ranking well in these searches. It might be so that your website is not getting any views due to this. So, geotagging is crucial for any business to make its presence felt in the digital world.

How can your business benefit from geotagging?

They are very helpful when it comes to finding local customers. If your business is located in Texas, then for sure, you will not be looking for customers based in London. So, to grow your business, you need to bring it to the notice of the local people. And geotagging will do the job for you. Once you have tagged your website with the necessary information, your page will flash in the first pages of the search results. Your website will have more visitors than before, and your business will start to grow.


If you are not a tech-savvy person and doing all these is not your cup of tea, you can take assistance from the experts related to this field.

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