
5 Effective Acupressure Regions to Heal Migraines

NewsGram Desk

Oct 09, 2017: The most common forms of pain that people face today are migraines and headaches. Although a headache is a minor issue that lasts for a few hours, migraine can be very serious enduring for a number of days. While headaches are caused due to excessive stress, tension, and emotional changes, migraine is a more intricate situation where the blood vessels of the brain expand to discharge chemicals from the nerve fibers that often result in inflammation and severe pain.

Causes of Migraine

Although the exact cause of a migraine is unknown, there are certain factors that are likely to be the main forces behind a migraine. They are:

Hormonal Change

It is one of the most powerful triggers of migraines. This is the reason why most women suffer from painful migraines during or before the onset of periods. Migraines become more rampant with the visitation of puberty and fades away following menopause.

Eating Habits

Unhealthy eating habits can be another provoking factor causing migraines. Most common triggers of migraine are tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and fermented foods.

Other causes

Stress, tension, work pressure, sleeping disorder and changed atmospheric pressure may also culminate into ugly migraines.

Acupressure Regions to Heal Migraine

Migraines can be healed by means of acupressure and reflexology. Counter medicines can render instant belief but reflexology not only heals the ailment externally but also treats the problem from within thereby giving you complete alleviation.

6 Important Regions to Relieve Migraine and Headaches:

Applying pressure in the following 5 regions clears the blocked meridians so that energy may flow freely throughout the body releasing endorphins which are the natural painkiller produced by our body.

1. Forehead Region

All the points on your face and forehead are full of energy that originates from the head and face and flow downwards.

Third Eye Point: Applying pressure to the third eye point region which is situated just between the two eyebrows can help to improve concentration, relieve eye strain, headaches, and ulcer pains. You should apply pressure for around 1 minute.

Bright Light: This point is located in the inner corner of the eyes just beneath the eyebrows. Applying pressure at the Bright Light points ameliorate sinus headaches and allergy symptoms. Pressure should be applied on both sides for 1minutes.

Temple Region: It consists of a chain of points that curl around the ear starting from the top of the ear and are positioned just at a one finger distance from the ear. All these points have to be provided light pressure concurrently to secure the best results. This aids in mitigating temporal headaches on the sides of the head and prolonged migraines.

2. Face Region:

The welcome fragrance point helps in opening sinuses and relieving tension headaches if stimulated for a few minutes.

Welcome Fragrance: Situated on both sides of the nostril, the welcome fragrance points can be very helpful in opening sinuses and relieving tension headaches if stimulated for a few minutes.

3. Neck Region:

Wind Pool: These are positioned at the back of the head exactly between the ear and spine. Applying pressure at these points can alleviate nasal congestion, pain in eyes, ears, throat, headaches as well as migraines.

Applying pressure on Wind Pool points can alleviate nasal congestion, pain in eyes, ears, throat, headaches as well as migraines.

Shoulder Well: Located at the edge of the Shoulder halfway between the point of the shoulder and the base of the neck, applying pressure on the Shoulder points can reduce the stiffness of neck and shoulders and mitigate neck pain. It can be helpful in ameliorating asthma and spasms.

Heaven's Pillar: These points situated two fingers beneath the base of the skull. Applying pressure on Heaven's Pillar points help in reducing aches at the back of the head, neck pains, eyestrain, stress, insomnia and neck stiffness. Besides, stimulating these points also aids cough relief.

4. Hands:

Union Valley: Positioned between the web between the thumb and index finger, Union valley point can be very helpful in mitigating back pain, frontal headaches, toothache, and releasing tension from neck and head if stimulated for a few minutes.

5. Foot:

Applying pressure on the points situated in the valley between the big and second toe can alleviate nasal congestion, pain in eyes, ears, throat, headaches as well as migraines.

This point is situated in the valley between the big and second toe. Applying pressure on these points can alleviate nasal congestion, pain in eyes, ears, throat, headaches as well as migraines.

Bottom Line

Thus the next time when a headache hits you hard, instead of resorting to painkillers, give reflexology and acupressure an opportunity to see the difference. Try out different pressure points because particular pressure points work more effectively for particular kind of headaches and some points might yield better results while other may consume more time. Thus, experiment every pressure point to know which point works the best for you.

Prepared by Mohima Haque of NewsGram. Twitter @mohimahaque26

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